Si palabras clave server
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Lima (Lima)
content="Nos encontramos en búsqueda de personas como TÚ, tenemos esta gran oportunidad para ti en nuestro local de San Juan de Lurigancho. ¡Ven y forma parte de nuestro equipo! REQUISITOS: • Vivir en San Juan de Lurigancho o distritos aledaños. • Proactivo, carismático, buena actitud y ganas de trabajar • Experiencia mínima de 6 meses en restaurantes. • Disponibilidad para trabajar 6 días a la semana de lunes a domingo en turnos rotativos. • Disponibilidad para trabajar feriados. MOZO - FULL TIME: • Revisar que los materiales de trabajo, la disposición y orden de mesas, la limpieza del salón y demás actividades estén listas y en el lugar indicado antes de abrir el restaurant. • Saludar y despedir a todos los clientes que ingresan al restaurant. • Ejecutar la toma y entrega de pedidos de los clientes. • Verificación de conformidad del servicio ofrecido. • Recoger y ordenar materiales de trabajo antes y después del turno. • Identificar los clientes regulares e informarse sobre sus preferencias y características (alergias, vegetarianos, dietéticos, etc.) • Realizar y concretar la venta sugestiva de los platos o bebidas del restaurante. • Otras funciones que le asigne su jefe inmediato. COCINERO - PARRILLERO: • Experiencia en el puesto no menor a un año con amplios conocimientos de carnes, cortes y términos, y conocimientos de tiempos y tipos de cocción. • Cumplir cabalmente todas las funciones y responsabilidades que se le encarga su jefe inmediato superior. • Elaborar y mantener los estándares de la preparación de los platos y sus complementos. • Mantener el inventario de los insumos y control de calidad. • Mantener los estándares de higiene y limpieza en el área de cocina. MOTORIZADO - FULL TIME: • 4 meses de experiencia como motorizado. • Haber realizado servicio de delivery en restaurantes. (deseable) • Contar con moto propia y licencia. (Indispensable) • Documentos en regla: SOAT, tarjeta de propiedad, revisión técnica (Indispensable). BENEFICIOS • Descuentos corporativos. • Alimentación cubierta 100% • Buen Clima laboral. • Planilla Completa. • SALARIO POR ENCIMA DEL MERCADO.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Educación media C.H. / Técnica Menos de 1 año de experiencia Edad: entre 20 y 40 años Disponibilidad de viajar: Si Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: Si Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server, chef, nominas, paga, retribucion, salary, payslip, payroll, wage, pay, payment, marketplace
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Estamos buscando un talento para el puesto de 'MOZO'que quiera unirse a nuestra familia. El perfil que buscamos es: - Chico o chica mayor a 18 años. - Buenas relaciones interpersonales y proactivo(a). - Conocimientos básicos sobre platillos japoneses (no indispensable). - Preferentemente residente a zonas aledañas a Yanahuara/Cercado. cerca al parque libertad de expresión. - Disponibilidad inmediata. - Facilidad de palabra. - Creativo, puntual, responsable y capaz de resolver problemas de manera rápida y creativa. Sus funciones: - Atención al cliente por todos los medios de venta. - Control de calidad. - Mantener las bebidas en su stock deseado para la adecuada atención a los clientes. - Limpieza. - Participar en la elaboración de productos y servicios. Brindamos beneficios como: - Descuentos en la carta. - Incentivos materiales por cumplir objetivos. - Actividades empresariales. - Bono para pasajes. - Buen clima laboral. - Alimentación diaria (refrigerio). - Además de desarrollo personal y profesional (lÍnea de carrera). Horario: Lunes - Sábado (sujeto a cambios incluyendo pagos por horas extra) 13:00 -21:00 Si deseas ser parte puedes enviar tu CV.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitaria / I.P. / C.F.T. Edad: entre 18 y 40 años Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server, salonero
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Corporación Panaservice S.A.C, es una corporación nacional con más de 20 años en el sector de servicios de catering, hotelería, limpieza, concesionario de alimentos y alimentación institucional, para mineras y constructoras en todo el país. Actualmente nos encontramos en la búsqueda de MOZOS/AZAFATAS ¿QUÉ NECESITAMOS? - Secundaria Completa (Certificado de estudios) - Experiencia en el área mínima 06 meses en el puesto (Certificada) - Experiencia en concesionaria de alimentos (Deseable) - Disponibilidad para trabajar en régimen minero atípico FUNCIONES: - Preparar los cubiertos, platos, bandejas, vasos y demás menaje necesario. - Dar atención en línea a comensales de concesionarios. - Limpiar y ordenar el comedor antes y después de cada comida. - Controlar los inventarios y cuidar el estado de la vajilla y menaje asignado en el comedor. - Limpiar y desinfectar la línea de servicio caliente y fría, antes y después de cada comida. - Preparar las mesas, asegurándose que los manteles e individuales estén limpios, controlando que tengan el material necesario (alcuzas, servilleteros, etc.). - Cualquier otra función que sea necesaria para cumplir con la misión del puesto. ¿QUÉ OFRECEMOS? - Movilidad desde punto de embarque a campamento cubierto al 100%. - Alimentación y hospedaje cubierto al 100%. - Todos los beneficios según ley. - Oportunidad de desarrollo profesional, según desempeño. - Remuneración acorde al mercado.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Educación Secundaria Menos de 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: Si Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server, stewardess, cabinero, hostess, miner, mineria
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Callao (Callao)
content="Newrest, es una empresa transnacional dedicada al rubro del Catering, expandiéndose actualmente en más de 58 países y presente en el Perú desde hace 10 años. Orientados hacia la gastronomía; mantenemos nuestras operaciones presentes en el Catering Aéreo, Concesiones, Retail y prestaciones en Sitios Remotos, abarcando en este último servicio de alimentación, mantenimiento y hotelería. Actualmente nos encontramos en búsqueda de un (a): Vajillero, Mozo y cuartelero REQUISITOS: • Secundaria completa (certificado). • Experiencia deseable de 3 a 6 meses en funciones afines. • Disponibilidad para laborar en régimen (14x7). • Disponibilidad para laborar en horarios rotativos. • INDISPENSABLE residir en Chincha o Lima. CONDICIONES L ABORALES. • Remuneración acorde al mercado. • Buen clima laboral. • Alimentación cubierta al 100%. Newrest es una empresa que mantiene una política inclusiva de contratar personas con habilidades diferentes.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Educación Secundaria Menos de 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: Si Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server
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Piura (Piura)
content="Te ofrecemos formar parte de nuestra familia, con un lindo clima laboral y oportunidad de hacer línea de carrera. Requisitos Vacunación completa Disponibilidad para trabajar a tiempo completo Disponibilidad para trabajar en horarios rotativos Funciones Tareas de apertura o cierre de salón Seguir los pasos de servicio para la atención a los clientes Conocimiento de carta y promociones Beneficios Grato clima laboral Ingreso a planilla Essalud Almuerzo o cena Propinas individuales Remuneración de acuerdo con el mercado. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Secundaria Edad: entre 18 y 50 años Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="limpieza y desinfección de areas armado de salones atención al cliente en eventos corporativos atencion al cliente en general conocimiento de las diferentes cartas del local asesoria de los platos de la carta al cliente y otros que se asigne. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Educación Secundaria 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Edad: entre 21 y 36 años Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server, salonero, restaurador
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Nos encontramos en la búsqueda del mejor talento para ocupar el puesto de Mozo (a) para nuestra sede en Arequipa, que cumpla con lo siguiente: Requisitos: - Profesional Técnico o Universitario de las carreras de Turismo y Hotelería o afines - Experiencia mínima de un año en el cargo - Disponibilidad Inmediata Funciones: - Dar la bienvenida y atender a los clientes de manera cordial con respeto y calidez. - Promover la carta entre los comensales. - Servir alimentos y bebidas de acuerdo con lo ordenado por el cliente. - Dar respuesta a preguntas sobre los platillos y bebidas que se ofrecen, incluidos sus ingredientes, tiempo de cocción, y añejamiento en el caso de bebidas, haciendo sugerencias para apoyar la elección. - Estar atento a su mesa y/o barra, de tal manera que se asegure una atención rápida y eficaz - Tener conocimiento de la carta, precios e ingredientes de los productos - Realizar su mise & place a tiempo. - Lavado, pulido y secado de platos, vasos y todas las herramientas utilizadas durante la jornada diaria - Dejar el área de trabajo limpia y ordenada al finalizar su turno. BENEFICIOS - Ingreso a planilla desde el primer día - Sueldo de acuerdo a mercado - Puntos hoteleros. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitaria / I.P. / C.F.T. 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="¡La Familia Puerto 92 sigue creciendo! Queremos que seas parte de nuestra familia, por eso estamos convocando a gente animosa y proactiva para el cargo de MOZO. OFRECEMOS: - Grato ambiente laboral. - Almuerzo cubierto por la empresa, - Línea de carrera. - Trabajo bajo planilla. REQUISITOS: - Buena presencia. - Actitud amable y empática. - Capacidad para trabajar bajo presión. - Colaborativo y trabajo en equipo. - Proactivo y responsable. - Carné de vacunación de 3 dosis. - Experiencia mínima de 6 meses a 1 año en puestos similares. - Trabajar bajo presión. - Disponibilidad inmediata para laborar - Residir en zonas cercanas a Sabandia y Characato Postula por este medio o presenta tu CV en Av. Daniel Alcides Carrión 421 - JLBYR.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Educación media C.H. / Técnica 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server
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Cusco (Cusco)
content="Nos encontramos en la búsqueda de personas para ocupar el puesto de: MOZO ¿Qué funciones realizarás? • Conocer los platillos de la carta, así como el tiempo de elaboración y los ingredientes con los cuales están preparados. • Recibir y atender con amabilidad, respeto y rapidez a los clientes. • Armar la mesa correctamente para brindarle al cliente un ambiente agradable. • Recoger y verificar el pedido en cada área y servirlo en la mesa. • Verificar que el cliente realizo el pago en caja antes de retirarse. • Atender cualquier duda que tenga el cliente y despejar sus dudas de forma amable. • Recoger las vajillas sucias, mantener la limpieza y orden de las mesas. • Cumplir con todos los protocolos de Bioseguridad señalados por el local. ¿Qué requisitos debes cumplir? • Estudios secundarios completos. • Experiencia mínima de 3 meses como mozo o atención al cliente. • Proactivo, responsable y tolerante para el trabajo bajo presión. ¿Qué ofrecemos? • Ingreso a planilla con todos los beneficios de ley • Salario acorde al mercado • Alimentación Interesados, postular por este medio Requerimientos Educación mínima: Educación Secundaria Menos de 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Educación Secundaria Menos de 1 año de experiencia Edad: entre 20 y 25 años Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server
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Cusco (Cusco)
content="Atención al cliente, conocimiento de preparación de cafés y cocteles, proactividad, entusiasmo y dinamismo, trabajo bajo presión, buen ambiente laboral,. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Técnico 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Edad: entre 18 y 40 años Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server
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Cusco (Cusco)
content="Se necesita encargado de salón para atender comensales, huéspedes. El armado de mesas, supervisión de buffet, atención de requeremientos. Ordenar el salón. Inglés fluido, proactividad, trabajo en equipo y presencia.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Técnico 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Edad: entre 20 y 35 años Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server
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Cusco (Cusco)
content="Nos encontramos en la búsqueda de personas para ocupar el puesto de: MOZO ¿Qué funciones realizarás? • Conocer los platillos de la carta, así como el tiempo de elaboración y los ingredientes con los cuales están preparados. • Recibir y atender con amabilidad, respeto y rapidez a los clientes. • Armar la mesa correctamente para brindarle al cliente un ambiente agradable. • Recoger y verificar el pedido en cada área y servirlo en la mesa. • Verificar que el cliente realizo el pago en caja antes de retirarse. • Atender cualquier duda que tenga el cliente y despejar sus dudas de forma amable. • Recoger las vajillas sucias, mantener la limpieza y orden de las mesas. • Cumplir con todos los protocolos de Bioseguridad señalados por el local. ¿Qué requisitos debes cumplir? • Estudios secundarios completos. • Experiencia mínima de 3 meses como mozo o atención al cliente. • Proactivo, responsable y tolerante para el trabajo bajo presión. ¿Qué ofrecemos? • Ingreso a planilla con todos los beneficios de ley • Salario acorde al mercado • Alimentación Interesados, postular por este medio Requerimientos Educación mínima: Educación Secundaria Menos de 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Secundaria Menos de 1 año de experiencia Edad: entre 20 y 25 años Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: server
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding.NET Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document, and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures, and Web-based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modify procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time, and form of desired results. - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Support nightly jobs and processes ensuring that failed jobs are analyzed and corrected for data integrity. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience with OOD. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. ASP.NET Engineer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding ASP.NET Engineers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document, and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures, and Web-based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modifies procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time, and form of desired results. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server, and ASP.NET. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: ingeniero, engineers, ingeniera, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. ASP.NET Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding ASP.NET Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document, and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures, and Web-based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modifies procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time, and form of desired results. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server, and ASP.NET. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Tech Lead at BairesDev If you are a natural leader with mentoring experience, this job is for you! As a.NET Tech Leader in our Development Team, your mission will be technically overseeing a team of experienced front and back developers. You will work in a fast-paced global team in charge of pushing the innovation to the next level. Innovation is at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. What You’ll Do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures and Web based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modifies procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time and form of desired results. - Liaise with IT vendor to resolve hardware issues, security issues and other application issues. - Support nightly jobs and processes ensuring that failed jobs are analyzed and corrected for data integrity. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Advance agile methodologies management. - Advanced Design Patterns knowledge. - Advanced IT infrastructure knowledge. - Experience with Security. - Experience developing/integrating with large-scale applications. - Fully specialized in Backend, Frontend development areas. - Strong experience in coding reviews and managing CI/CD pipelines. - Expert understanding of the benefits/weaknesses of client's requirements. - Advanced knowledge of the tradeoffs of choosing a certain technology. - Strong experience participating in meetings with clients, users, and stakeholders. - Experience leading teams, allocating tasks, identifying risks, decision making, estimating tasks, managing conflicts, planning. - Advanced English Level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, ASP.NET MVC, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding.NET Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document, and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures, and Web-based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modify procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time, and form of desired results. - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Support nightly jobs and processes ensuring that failed jobs are analyzed and corrected for data integrity. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience with OOD. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. ASP.NET Engineer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding ASP.NET Engineers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document, and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures, and Web-based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modifies procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time, and form of desired results. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server, and ASP.NET. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: ingeniero, engineers, ingeniera, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. ASP.NET Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding ASP.NET Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document, and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures, and Web-based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modifies procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time, and form of desired results. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server, and ASP.NET. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Hola, Somos Ingenium | Escuela de Formación Profesional, la empresa de educación online con el mayor crecimiento del mercado, tenemos la gran misión de cambiar el mundo con la educación y queremos que seas parte de nuestra misión en el puesto de Desarrollador Back End. ¿Tu Misión? • Contribuir en el desarrollo de la arquitectura interna de nuestras aplicaciones vinculados a todo nuestro contenido (formularios, mapas, bases de datos, etc.). • Analizar problemas complejos y encontrar soluciones innovadoras. • Anticiparse a posibles problemas que puedan surgir en la integración de elementos. • Diseñar todas las soluciones necesarias para que nuestros clientes internos y el usuario final no tenga ningún inconveniente al utilizarlas. • Comunicación constante con tu equipo y áreas implicadas en el proyecto. • Tu actitud y capacidad será lo más valorado. ¿Por qué con nosotros? - Porque somos la empresa más disruptiva del mercado y crecemos constantemente. - Porque tienes bebidas gratis en el frigo bar de la empresa (¡Si, gratis!) - Porque te ofrecemos una remuneración muy competitiva. - Porque somos 100% formales. No hay letras pequeñas en tu contrato ni tampoco te decimos que vamos a cumplir para no hacerlo. Ingresas con planilla completa desde el primer día. - Porque si eres bueno en lo que haces te consideramos para ascender. Simple y efectivo, no contratamos jefes, los formamos. - Porque te capacitamos constantemente (somos una empresa de capacitación, si capacitamos clientes externos, ¿por qué no habríamos de hacerlo con nuestros colaboradores?) - Porque no tenemos un excelente ambiente de trabajo, tenemos el #estiloingenium. Cuando ingreses a trabajar te preguntarás ¿Por qué no postule antes?.. ¿Qué Esperamos de ti? Indispensable - Dominio de PHP. - Dominio de Laravel, Github, Javascript. - Manejo de Servidores. - Conocimiento de Desarrollo Web Services y diseño de APIs Rest. Deseable Node.js. - Conocimiento de base de datos relacionales: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server. - Pasión por la calidad de tu código y buenas prácticas. - Capacidad para trabajar en equipo. Deseable - Desarrollo y la implementación en un entorno nativo en la nube (AWS Cloud). - Conocimientos en frameworks de infraestructura como código: Serverless framework y/o AWS CDK. ¡Decídete pertenecer a nuestro equipo, te esperamos!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Técnico 1 año de experiencia Edad: entre 23 y 30 años Conocimientos: PostgreSQL, SQL Server, PHP, Ruby, Servidores Web, Laravel, Node.js, WordPress, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: developer, programador, developers
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Architect at BairesDev Are you a.NET Software Architect able to provide the highest standards of tech quality and innovation? Are you driven for continuous progress, helping all the different types of clients around the world? If so, probably you are a good match for our Development Team. Apply! You will lead a virtual team and should be masterful to advance the demands fulfillment process to achieve/exceed excellent delivery targets for related workloads in your assigned project. What You’ll Do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures and Web based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modifies procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time and form of desired results. - Creates detailed specifications from which programs will be written. - Maintain user accounts and security in applications and ensure security of departmental data with a thorough working knowledge standard methodologies. Here’s what we are looking for: - 6+ years of experience in.Net. - Ability to work with relational and non-relational bases. - Strong experience in design and software architecture. - Strong understanding of system security. - Experience and a good understanding of memory management and performance. - Experience with Distributed and Scalable solutions. - Experience working with the Cloud. - Experience with SQL and NoSQL databases. - Expert in system designing. - Expert IT infrastructure knowledge. - Expert developing/integrating with large scalable applications. - Expert in coding reviews and managing CI/CD pipelines. - Advanced English Level. Desirable: It would be best if you have extensive experience in large and distributed systems, high traffic, and high-volume systems, but it isn’t mandatory. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 6 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, ASP.NET MVC, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: arquitecto, arquitectura, architecture, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Developer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding.NET Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. - Other duties as assigned. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Backend Architect / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for an outstanding.NET Backend Architect to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. - Other duties as assigned. Here’s what we are looking for: - 6+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 6 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: arquitecto, arquitectura, architecture, investigacion, home, casa, remoto
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