Palabras clave technologist tecnologo tech technician technology tecnologia area
Listado top ventas palabras clave technologist tecnologo tech technician technology tecnologia area

Callao (Callao)
content="Suiza Lab, como institución dedicada al rubro de la Salud, tiene el compromiso de brindar servicios de apoyo al diagnóstico a través del Laboratorio Clínico, Rayos X, Mamografía, Densitometría y Audiometría, y atención a la salud a través del Centro de Vacunación Internacional, de manera eficaz, oportuna y confiable. Nos aseguramos de innovar y contar con equipos garantizados, disponer de materiales e insumos apropiados, así como con personal competente y comprometido con una gestión de mejora continua. De esta manera, lograr la satisfacción integral de nuestros usuarios, cumpliendo para ello con los requisitos legales y reglamentarios contemplados en la legislación vigente. Actualmente encontramos en búsqueda de un profesional para ocupar el cargo: TECNÓLOGO MÉDICO DE LABORATORIO Requisitos Tecnólogo Médico de Laboratorio Titulado y/o Colegiado. Contar con experiencia en el área de Microbiología Disponibilidad para trabajar en Hospital Naval - Callao Disponibilidad para laborar turno mañana L A S 1PM A 7PM Funciones: Realización, monitoreo y validación de los procesos analíticos del laboratorio clínico. Revisión y manejo de los equipos del laboratorio clínico. Ejecución analítica de los calibradores y controles de calidad. Ejecución analítica de las muestras clínicas. Realización del registro de los checklist respectivos a su área de trabajo. Validación de los resultados Se ofrece: Ingreso a planilla desde el primer día, con todos los beneficios de ley. CTS (Mayo y Noviembre) Gratificación (Julio y Diciembre). Utilidades. Excelente clima laboral. Posibilidades de crecimiento en una empresa sólida y reconocida.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnico, tech, technician, technology, tecnologia, doctor, facultativo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Suiza Lab, como institución dedicada al rubro de la Salud, tiene el compromiso de brindar servicios de apoyo al diagnóstico a través del Laboratorio Clínico, Rayos X, Mamografía, Densitometría y Audiometría, y atención a la salud a través del Centro de Vacunación Internacional, de manera eficaz, oportuna y confiable. Nos aseguramos de innovar y contar con equipos garantizados, disponer de materiales e insumos apropiados, así como con personal competente y comprometido con una gestión de mejora continua. De esta manera, lograr la satisfacción integral de nuestros usuarios, cumpliendo para ello con los requisitos legales y reglamentarios contemplados en la legislación vigente. Actualmente encontramos en búsqueda de un profesional para ocupar el cargo: TECNÓLOGO MÉDICO DE LABORATORIO Requisitos Tecnólogo Médico de Laboratorio Titulado y/o Colegiado. Contar con experiencia en el área de Microbiología Disponibilidad para trabajar en Hospital Naval - Callao Disponibilidad para laborar turno mañana L A S 7AM A 1PM Funciones: Realización, monitoreo y validación de los procesos analíticos del laboratorio clínico. Revisión y manejo de los equipos del laboratorio clínico. Ejecución analítica de los calibradores y controles de calidad. Ejecución analítica de las muestras clínicas. Realización del registro de los checklist respectivos a su área de trabajo. Validación de los resultados Se ofrece: Ingreso a planilla desde el primer día, con todos los beneficios de ley. CTS (Mayo y Noviembre) Gratificación (Julio y Diciembre). Utilidades. Excelente clima laboral. Posibilidades de crecimiento en una empresa sólida y reconocida.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnico, tech, technician, technology, tecnologia, doctor, facultativo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Suiza Lab, como institución dedicada al rubro de la Salud, tiene el compromiso de brindar servicios de apoyo al diagnóstico a través del Laboratorio Clínico, Rayos X, Mamografía, Densitometría y Audiometría, y atención a la salud a través del Centro de Vacunación Internacional, de manera eficaz, oportuna y confiable. Nos aseguramos de innovar y contar con equipos garantizados, disponer de materiales e insumos apropiados, así como con personal competente y comprometido con una gestión de mejora continua. De esta manera, lograr la satisfacción integral de nuestros usuarios, cumpliendo para ello con los requisitos legales y reglamentarios contemplados en la legislación vigente. Actualmente encontramos en búsqueda de un profesional para ocupar el cargo: TECNÓLOGO MÉDICO DE LABORATORIO Requisitos Tecnólogo Médico de Laboratorio Titulado y/o Colegiado. Contar con experiencia en el área de Microbiología Disponibilidad para trabajar en Hospital Naval - Callao Disponibilidad para laborar en turno tarde de 1pm a 7pm Funciones: Realización, monitoreo y validación de los procesos analíticos del laboratorio clínico. Revisión y manejo de los equipos del laboratorio clínico. Ejecución analítica de los calibradores y controles de calidad. Ejecución analítica de las muestras clínicas. Realización del registro de los checklist respectivos a su área de trabajo. Validación de los resultados Se ofrece: Ingreso a planilla desde el primer día, con todos los beneficios de ley. CTS (Mayo y Noviembre) Gratificación (Julio y Diciembre). Utilidades. Excelente clima laboral. Posibilidades de crecimiento en una empresa sólida y reconocida.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnico, tech, technician, technology, tecnologia, doctor, facultativo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Suiza Lab, como institución dedicada al rubro de la Salud, tiene el compromiso de brindar servicios de apoyo al diagnóstico a través del Laboratorio Clínico, Rayos X, Mamografía, Densitometría y Audiometría, y atención a la salud a través del Centro de Vacunación Internacional, de manera eficaz, oportuna y confiable. Nos aseguramos de innovar y contar con equipos garantizados, disponer de materiales e insumos apropiados, así como con personal competente y comprometido con una gestión de mejora continua. De esta manera, lograr la satisfacción integral de nuestros usuarios, cumpliendo para ello con los requisitos legales y reglamentarios contemplados en la legislación vigente. Actualmente encontramos en búsqueda de un profesional para ocupar el cargo: TECNÓLOGO MÉDICO DE LABORATORIO Requisitos Tecnólogo Médico de Laboratorio Titulado y/o Colegiado. Contar con experiencia en procesos de laboratorio clínico Disponibilidad para trabajar en Hospital Militar - Jesús Maria.. Disponibilidad para laborar turno mañana L A S 2PM A 8PM Funciones: Realización, monitoreo y validación de los procesos analíticos del laboratorio clínico. Revisión y manejo de los equipos del laboratorio clínico. Ejecución analítica de los calibradores y controles de calidad. Ejecución analítica de las muestras clínicas. Realización del registro de los checklist respectivos a su área de trabajo. Validación de los resultados Se ofrece: Ingreso a planilla desde el primer día, con todos los beneficios de ley. CTS (Mayo y Noviembre) Gratificación (Julio y Diciembre). Utilidades. Excelente clima laboral. Posibilidades de crecimiento en una empresa sólida y reconocida.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnico, tech, technician, technology, tecnologia, doctor, facultativo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Somos Nexus Salud Ocupacional, nos especializamos en brindar servicios de salud y seguridad ocupacional en distintos lugares del Perú, nos encontramos en búsqueda de: TECNÓLOGO RADIÓLOGO - AREQUIPA Requisitos: - Tecnólogo Médico Titulado. - Licencia de IPEN vigente. - Experiencia mínima de 2 años en el puesto. - Experiencia realizando toma de rayos X según lo solicitado. Horario de trabajo: De Lunes a Sábados de 8:00am a 12:30pm. Disponibilidad inmediata. Contar con 3 dosis de vacuna. Indispensable residir en Arequipa.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 2 años de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnico, tech, technician, technology, tecnologia
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Somos Nexus Salud Ocupacional, nos especializamos en brindar servicios de salud y seguridad ocupacional en distintos lugares del Perú, nos encontramos en búsqueda de: TECNÓLOGO RADIÓLOGO - AREQUIPA Requisitos: - Tecnólogo Médico Titulado. - Licencia de IPEN vigente. - Experiencia mínima de 2 años en el puesto. - Experiencia realizando toma de rayos X según lo solicitado. Horario de trabajo: De Lunes a Sábados de 8:00am a 12:30pm. Disponibilidad inmediata. Contar con 3 dosis de vacuna. Indispensable residir en Arequipa.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Técnico Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnico, tech, technician, technology, tecnologia
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Requisitos para el puesto. Estudios:Bachiller En Ingeniería Mecánica, Mecatrónica, técnico en Mecánica, eléctrica, Técnico en automatización, electricista o electrónica industrial. Grado Académico:Bachiller / Profesional Técnico Estudios Adicionales Cursos afines Conocimiento del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad (ISO 9001:2015) Experiencia:1 año en puestos similares Microsoft Office Excel básico(indispensable) Funciones a realizar: Estructurar los servicios de atención, evaluación, diagnóstico, de los colaboradores bajo mi cargo para la atención de nuestros clientes. Brindamos asesoría técnica que complementa el trabajo teórico de los distintos cursos de las carreras de Ingeniería Mecánica, Ingeniería Mecatrónica e Ingeniería Industrial que realizan sus labores prácticas en nuestra área. Revisar los requisitos necesarios, para la atención de nuestros clientes. Supervisar el orden y limpieza del Laboratorio / Taller a bajo mi responsabilidad. Supervisar el cuidado de los equipos, instrumentos y herramientas que se encuentran en el área. Coordinar el requerimiento de equipos con el EAP de cada carrera profesional que hace uso de los ambientes del área de Mecánica. Supervisar y el cumplimiento de las Normas ISO que se implementó en talles y laboratorios-UC Supervisar las buenas relaciones de nuestros clientes y los colaboradores bajo mi mando y facilitar la rápida entrega herramientas que estos requieran para la elaboración de las prácticas. Capacitar con el Usar sus EPP, de manera obligatoria durante la permanecía en el área de Mecánica, cumpliendo con las normas de seguridad y salud ocupacional. Coordinar con las áreas administrativas la asignación de recursos, mantenimiento, calibración y otros a tiempo, para el cumplimiento de las prácticas de laboratorios o taller, reduciendo al mínimo los reclamos. Coordinar con las áreas administrativas la asignación de recursos, mantenimiento, calibración y otros a tiempo, para el cumplimiento de las prácticas de laboratorios o taller, reduciendo al mínimo los reclamos. Dirigir, coordinar, elaborar, perfeccionar y proponer los manuales, protocolos e instructivos. Supervisar el cumplimiento de los procedimientos manuales y políticas del SGC. Mantener actualizada la gestión de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de equipos. Mantener actualizado el registro de guías de práctica de las diferentes asignaturas y EAPs. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Técnico 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tech, technician, technology, tecnologia, zona
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Ica (Ica)
content="Cantalloc, empresa Iqueña dedicada al desarrollo de proyectos de Ingeniería Eléctrica, actualmente como parte del Grupo de Energía Bogotá (GEB). Está en busca de potencial humano para ocupar el puesto de 'Técnico de Obras' en su sede de Ica REQUISITOS: - Egresado/titulado de carrera técnica de electricidad o afines. - Contar con 2 años de experiencia mínima en trabajos relacionados con electricidad en baja y media tensión y en ejecución de obras. - Licencia de manejo AIIB. (deseable/ no indispensable) BENEFICIOS: - Planilla con beneficios de ley desde el primer día + asignación familiar - Seguro vida ley. - Capacitaciones constantes. - Otros. Interesados por favor adjuntar su curriculum documentado o enviar al correo especificando en el asunto el puesto postulado.-Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Técnico 2 años de experiencia Edad: A partir de 21 años Licencias de conducir: A-I,A-II-B Disponibilidad de viajar: Si Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: Si Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tech, technician, technology, tecnologia, electrico, electrician, lineman, zona
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Fullstack.NET + Angular Tech Lead / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Fullstack.NET + Angular Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product, developing, coding, testing, and debugging application programs of varying degrees of complexity. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details, developing and implementing acceptance tests to ensure that product meets customer requirements and expectations. - Ensure the high performance of all systems developed. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience working as a developer, with practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience in developing applications using Angular/.NET technology stack. - Solid experience with HTML, CSS, and writing cross-browser compatible code. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, investigacion, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Fullstack.NET + Angular Tech Lead / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Fullstack.NET + Angular Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product, developing, coding, testing, and debugging application programs of varying degrees of complexity. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details, developing and implementing acceptance tests to ensure that product meets customer requirements and expectations. - Ensure the high performance of all systems developed. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience working as a developer, with practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience in developing applications using Angular/.NET technology stack. - Solid experience with HTML, CSS, and writing cross-browser compatible code. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Fullstack.NET + Angular Tech Lead / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Fullstack.NET + Angular Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product, developing, coding, testing, and debugging application programs of varying degrees of complexity. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details, developing and implementing acceptance tests to ensure that product meets customer requirements and expectations. - Ensure the high performance of all systems developed. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience working as a developer, with practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience in developing applications using Angular/.NET technology stack. - Solid experience with HTML, CSS, and writing cross-browser compatible code. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding.NET Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document, and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures, and Web-based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modify procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time, and form of desired results. - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Support nightly jobs and processes ensuring that failed jobs are analyzed and corrected for data integrity. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience with OOD. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding.NET Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document, and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures, and Web-based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modify procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time, and form of desired results. - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Support nightly jobs and processes ensuring that failed jobs are analyzed and corrected for data integrity. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience with OOD. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding.NET Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document, and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures, and Web-based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modify procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time, and form of desired results. - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Support nightly jobs and processes ensuring that failed jobs are analyzed and corrected for data integrity. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience with OOD. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, ASP.NET MVC, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Tech Lead / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. DevOps Tech Lead at BairesDev If you are a natural DevOps Tech leader with mentoring experience, this job is for you! As a Tech Leader in our Development Team, your mission will be technically overseeing a team of experienced front and back developers. You will work in a fast-paced global team in charge of pushing the innovation to the next level. Innovation is at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. What You’ll Do: - Experience using DevOps toolsets/mindset, including CI/CD, configuration management and containerization. - Create full SDLC DevOps platforms. - Leading teams in an engineering capacity. - Create large-scale blueprints and roadmaps, including current & future states for infrastructure technology. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience working as DevOps. - Advance agile methodologies management. - Advanced Design Patterns knowledge. - Advanced IT infrastructure knowledge. - Experience with Security. - Experience developing/integrating with large-scale application. - Fully specialized in Backend, Frontend development areas. - Strong experience in coding reviews and managing CI/CD pipelines. - Expert understanding of the benefits/weaknesses of client's requirements. - Advanced knowledge of the tradeoffs of choosing a certain technology. - Strong experience participating in meetings with clients, users, and stakeholders. - Experience leading teams, allocating tasks, identifying risks, decision making, estimating tasks, managing conflicts, planning. - Advanced English Level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Python, Tecnología de la información, Perl, Sass, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. DevOps Tech Lead at BairesDev If you are a natural DevOps Tech leader with mentoring experience, this job is for you! As a Tech Leader in our Development Team, your mission will be technically overseeing a team of experienced front and back developers. You will work in a fast-paced global team in charge of pushing the innovation to the next level. Innovation is at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. What You’ll Do: - Experience using DevOps toolsets/mindset, including CI/CD, configuration management and containerization. - Create full SDLC DevOps platforms. - Leading teams in an engineering capacity. - Create large-scale blueprints and roadmaps, including current & future states for infrastructure technology. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience working as DevOps. - Advance agile methodologies management. - Advanced Design Patterns knowledge. - Advanced IT infrastructure knowledge. - Experience with Security. - Experience developing/integrating with large-scale application. - Fully specialized in Backend, Frontend development areas. - Strong experience in coding reviews and managing CI/CD pipelines. - Expert understanding of the benefits/weaknesses of client's requirements. - Advanced knowledge of the tradeoffs of choosing a certain technology. - Strong experience participating in meetings with clients, users, and stakeholders. - Experience leading teams, allocating tasks, identifying risks, decision making, estimating tasks, managing conflicts, planning. - Advanced English Level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Python, Tecnología de la información, Perl, Sass, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. DevOps Tech Lead at BairesDev If you are a natural DevOps Tech leader with mentoring experience, this job is for you! As a Tech Leader in our Development Team, your mission will be technically overseeing a team of experienced front and back developers. You will work in a fast-paced global team in charge of pushing the innovation to the next level. Innovation is at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. What You’ll Do: - Experience using DevOps toolsets/mindset, including CI/CD, configuration management and containerization. - Create full SDLC DevOps platforms. - Leading teams in an engineering capacity. - Create large-scale blueprints and roadmaps, including current & future states for infrastructure technology. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience working as DevOps. - Advance agile methodologies management. - Advanced Design Patterns knowledge. - Advanced IT infrastructure knowledge. - Experience with Security. - Experience developing/integrating with large-scale application. - Fully specialized in Backend, Frontend development areas. - Strong experience in coding reviews and managing CI/CD pipelines. - Expert understanding of the benefits/weaknesses of client's requirements. - Advanced knowledge of the tradeoffs of choosing a certain technology. - Strong experience participating in meetings with clients, users, and stakeholders. - Experience leading teams, allocating tasks, identifying risks, decision making, estimating tasks, managing conflicts, planning. - Advanced English Level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Python, Tecnología de la información, Perl, Sass, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. DevOps Tech Lead at BairesDev If you are a natural DevOps Tech leader with mentoring experience, this job is for you! As a Tech Leader in our Development Team, your mission will be technically overseeing a team of experienced front and back developers. You will work in a fast-paced global team in charge of pushing the innovation to the next level. Innovation is at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. What You’ll Do: - Experience using DevOps toolsets/mindset, including CI/CD, configuration management and containerization. - Create full SDLC DevOps platforms. - Leading teams in an engineering capacity. - Create large-scale blueprints and roadmaps, including current & future states for infrastructure technology. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience working as DevOps. - Advance agile methodologies management. - Advanced Design Patterns knowledge. - Advanced IT infrastructure knowledge. - Experience with Security. - Experience developing/integrating with large-scale application. - Fully specialized in Backend, Frontend development areas. - Strong experience in coding reviews and managing CI/CD pipelines. - Expert understanding of the benefits/weaknesses of client's requirements. - Advanced knowledge of the tradeoffs of choosing a certain technology. - Strong experience participating in meetings with clients, users, and stakeholders. - Experience leading teams, allocating tasks, identifying risks, decision making, estimating tasks, managing conflicts, planning. - Advanced English Level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Python, Tecnología de la información, Perl, Sass, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Ruby On Rails Tech Lead at BairesDev If you are a natural leader with mentoring experience, this job is for you! As a Ruby on Rails Tech Leader in our Development Team, your mission will be technically overseeing a team of experienced front and back developers. You will work in a fast-paced global team in charge of pushing the innovation to the next level. Innovation is at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. What You’ll Do: - Refactoring behavior into isolated bounded contexts. - Work closely with client-facing team to dissect features. - Manage your time and be responsible with minimal oversight. Here’s what we are looking for: - Advance agile methodologies management. - Advanced Design Patterns knowledge. - Advanced IT infrastructure knowledge. - Experience with Security. - Experience developing/integrating with large-scale applications. - Fully specialized in Backend, Frontend development areas. - Strong experience in coding reviews and managing CI/CD pipelines. - Expert understanding of the benefits/weaknesses of client's requirements. - Advanced knowledge of the tradeoffs of choosing a certain technology. - Strong experience participating in meetings with clients, users, and stakeholders. - Experience leading teams, allocating tasks, identifying risks, decision making, estimating tasks, managing conflicts, planning. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: CSS, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Testeo, Ruby on Rails, AngularJS, Lean, Agile, HTML 5 Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. React Tech Lead at BairesDev If you are a natural leader with mentoring experience, this is the job for you! As a React Tech Leader in our Development Team, your mission will be technically overseeing a team of experienced front and backend developers. You will work in a fast-paced global team in charge of pushing the innovation to the next level. Innovation is at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. What You’ll Do: - Build a framework for other developers to build applications with. Initially focusing on building reactive dashboards with an option to make mobile versions of them. - Assist in coaching and mentoring other React developers. Here’s what we are looking for: - Advance agile methodologies management. - Advanced Design Patterns and IT infrastructure knowledge. - Experience with Security. - Experience developing/integrating with large-scale applications. - Fully specialized in Backend, Frontend development areas. - Strong experience in coding reviews and managing CI/CD pipelines. - Expert understanding of the benefits/weaknesses of client's requirements. - Advanced knowledge of the tradeoffs of choosing a certain technology. - Strong experience participating in meetings with clients, users, and stakeholders. - Experience leading teams, allocating tasks, identifying risks, decision making, estimating tasks, managing conflicts, planning. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: CSS, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Backbone.js, AngularJS, Lean, Agile, HTML 5 Disponibilidad de viajar: Si Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: Si Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Java Tech Lead at BairesDev If you are a natural leader with mentoring experience, this job is for you! As a Java Tech Leader in our Development Team, your mission will be technically overseeing a team of experienced front and back developers. You will work in a fast-paced global team in charge of pushing the innovation to the next level. Innovation is at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. What You’ll Do: - Technically own different modules of the platform, including design, development, & integration. - Design and write clean, robust, server-side code. - Perform research and development to evaluate new technologies, ideas and communicate value for company. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of experience in Java. - Advance agile methodologies management. - Advanced Design Patterns knowledge. - Advanced IT infrastructure knowledge. - Experience with Security. - Experience developing/integrating with large-scale applications. - Fully specialized in Backend, Frontend development areas. - Strong experience in coding reviews and managing CI/CD pipelines. - Expert understanding of the benefits/weaknesses of client's requirements. - Advanced knowledge of the tradeoffs of choosing a certain technology. - Strong experience participating in meetings with clients, users, and stakeholders. - Experience leading teams, allocating tasks, identifying risks, decision making, estimating tasks, managing conflicts, planning. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Java, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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