Palabras clave developer programador developers
Listado top ventas palabras clave developer programador developers

Callao (Callao)
content="¡Creemos que tu talento merece la mejor Oportunidad! Por encargo de nuestro cliente importante empresa Estamos en la búsqueda de un PROGRAMADOR DE PLANEAMIENTO Y CONTROL DE PRODUCCION EN PLANTAS INDUSTRIALES: DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PUESTO • Programador de planeamiento en plantas industriales. • Para Prestar servicios a importante empresa en planilla de Supply Operations. CONTRATACIÓN • Tipo de jornada laboral Full-Time. • Ubicación: Callao • Remuneración s/1800 soles. • Horario de trabajo: Lunes a sábado y/o domingos turnos y descansos rotativos semanal o quincenal de 7am a 7pm o de 7pm a 7am descansos rotativos. • Pago de horas extras. • Alimentación cubierta. REQUISITOS DEL PUESTO • Educación técnica: Administración Industrial - Administración de Empresas – Administración de Negocios - Administración Logística - Gestión Logística - Computación e Informática y/o Carreas Afines. Haber laborado en el área de Industrialización. • Residir: distritos aledaños al callao. • Experiencia mínimo 6 meses a 1 año como Programador de planeamiento en plantas industriales o plantas metalmecánicas. • SAP básico. • Manejo de herramienta ARMAPLUS. FUNCIONES ESPECÍFICAS DEL PUESTO • Programar el cumplimiento de pedidos, estableciendo prioridades y coordinando con los responsables garantizando el cumplimiento de la producción. • Verificar y filtrar la información recibida, relacionada a los pedidos de producción en coordinación con PCP y el área de Ingeniería de Detalle. • Trasmitir el orden de prioridades de producción emitidas por PCP al Supervisor y el Encargado de Turno. • Cumplir con las Políticas y Lineamientos de Supply & Operations. • Entregar y Mantener actualizados el Curriculum Vitae documentado y datos personales. • Cumplir con las responsabilidades específicas del cargo, detalladas en los procesos del sistema de gestión de la empresa. • Participar activamente en la implementación, adecuación, mejora y eficacia del sistema de gestión de la empresa. • Cumplir con el reglamento de seguridad y salud en el trabajo. • Informar a la jefatura sobre el avance de la producción en coordinación con el Supervisor y el Encargado de Turno. • Elaborar e Imprimir etiquetas de producción, Imprimir planos de las piezas a elaborar; así como reportar fallas en el diseño de las mismas, al área de PCP e Ingeniería de Detalle. • Registrar en el sistema indicadores de producción y merma. • Realizar otras funciones asignadas por su superior inmediato. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Terciario Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers
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Lima (Lima)
content="Nuestro cliente en tecnología de la información con más de 40 años en el sector financiero, enfocado a pagos transaccionales, se encuentra en búsqueda de PROGRAMADOR JAVA. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PUESTO: Ejecutar la programación de los desarrollos y mantenimientos de software correspondientes a los proyectos y productos de la empresa, de acuerdo a las especificaciones del cliente, plazos y calidad establecidas por la empresa TIEMPO DE EXPERIENCIA: Más de 2 años mínimo como Programador Java REQUISITOS: • Egresado de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Informática o afines. • De preferencia: con cursos de programación en Java y Java Web • Conocimiento y experiencia en programación Java • Conocimiento en Web Services • Eclipse IDE (Entorno de Desarrollo) • NetBeans (Entorno de Desarrollo) • Conocimiento de SQL Server • Inglés a nivel básico - intermedio DESEABLE: • Conocimiento de programación Android y/o iOS • Conocimiento de versionamiento en GIT. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitaria / I.P. / C.F.T. 1 año de experiencia Edad: A partir de 20 años Conocimientos: Java Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="NTT DATA Company es una consultora multinacional que ofrece soluciones de negocio, estrategia, desarrollo y mantenimiento de aplicaciones tecnológicas, y outsourcing. La compañía, que desarrolla su actividad en los sectores de telecomunicaciones, entidades financieras, industria, utilities, energía, administración pública y sanidad, alcanzó una facturación de 691 millones de euros en el último ejercicio fiscal. En la actualidad, cuenta con más de 13.000 profesionales distribuidos en sus oficinas y centros de alto rendimiento en 14 países. La consultora pertenece al grupo NTT DATA, la sexta compañía de servicios IT del mundo, con 70.000 profesionales y presencia en Asia-Pacífico, Oriente Medio, Europa, Latinoamérica y Norteamérica. La integración en NTT DATA permite a everis ampliar las soluciones y servicios para sus clientes, aumenta sus capacidades, recursos tecnológicos, geográficos y financieros le ayuda a dar las respuestas más innovadoras a sus clientes. Te invitamos a ser parte de nuestro equipo ocupando el cargo de: Programador Requisitos: Grado de instrucción: Técnicos, egresados, bachiller o titulado de las carreras de Ing. de Sistemas, Computación e Informática y/o carreras afines. Experiencia mayor a 2 años como programador Java (version 8.0) Experiencia con Microservicios, spring framework y cloud (Indispensable) Manejo de spring framework: springboot, springdata, spring security, spring cloud. Modalidad Trabajo: Trabajo Híbrido: 2 veces por semana. Horario de trabajo de Lunes a Viernes. Beneficios: Contrato indefinido desde el primer día de labores. EPS y seguro oncologico cubierta al 100% Tarjeta de alimentos. Cuponera de medios días libres. Línea de carrera. Universidad institucional (Capacitaciones, cursos, etc) Beneficios corporativos (eventos virtuales, concursos, etc) Permanente capacitación y formación profesional. Inmejorable oportunidad de línea de carrera profesional en nuestra consultora líder en el mercado TI. Si estás buscando empleo, everis es el sitio ideal. Combinamos talento, ilusión y personas. ¡Ven y únete a everis, el mejor lugar para los mejores! “NTT Data mantiene una política de contratación inclusiva, por lo que invita a cualquier persona a participar en el proceso de selección de la referencia”. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Técnico 2 años de experiencia Conocimientos: Java, Spring MVC Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers
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Lima (Lima)
content="Somos Canvia ¡Una empresa que innova y reinventa! ¡Buscamos a un Programador Front end con ADN de innovación! Top de razones para trabajar con nosotros CANVIA es una de las empresas más grandes del sector IT en el Perú y nuestro propósito es hacer más fácil la vida de las personas, innovando e implementando proyectos de transformación digital en múltiples industrias. Nos mueve la reinvención, hacer las cosas diferentes a través de buenas ideas, cuestionar el statu quo. Años de experiencia desarrollando y ejecutando soluciones con un equipo humano valioso y que suma diferentes capacidades, nuevos modelos de negocios a través del uso de tecnologías digitales y sistemas de gestión del cambio soportados en una cultura Lean-Agile. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PUESTO · ¿Qué retos tendrás como Programador Front end? Serás el encargado de apoyar y ejecutar las actividades de construcción de prototipo y componentes para nuestro cliente Levantarás información y construirás los procesos de desarrollo del proyecto. REQUISITOS · ¿Qué skills buscamos en ti? Que seas Egresado Técnico o Universitario de las carreras de ing. De sistemas, computación e informatica o afines. Tengas 02 años de experiencia en adelante trabajando en Angular versión 8+ o ReactJs Manejo de base de datos SQL Experiencia en integración API Buscamos que te guste superarte continuamente, que el cambiar lo establecido sea parte de tu ADN y seas un gran compañero para el equipo. BENEFICIOS Lo que encontrarás en Canvia: ü Trabajar en equipo con especialistas en nuevas tecnologías y generar impacto a través de la transformación de nuestros clientes y proyectos de gran escala. ü Cultura de equipo altamente colaborativa y orientado a romper paradigmas. ü A RETARTE y cuestionarte como lo estás haciendo para pensar cómo hacerlo mejor. ü Foco en tu desarrollo y línea de crecimiento, a través de Canvia College donde podrás potenciar tus conocimientos con cursos tendencia en tecnología y de gestión. ü La importancia de tu bienestar, por ejemplo, el que tengas tiempo libre el día de tu cumpleaños para que lo disfrutes con las personas que más quieres. ü Trabajo desde casa en la mayoría de nuestras posiciones. En esta empresa está prohibida la discriminación – Ley N° 29973. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Terciario 2 años de experiencia Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Hola, Somos Ingenium | Escuela de Formación Profesional, la empresa de educación online con el mayor crecimiento del mercado peruano, tenemos la gran misión de cambiar el mundo con la educación y queremos que seas parte de nuestra misión en el puesto de Programador Web. ¿Tu Misión? Maquetar, Diseñar, Crear y Actualizar los componentes visuales de nuestros sitios Webs y Aplicaciones. ¿Por qué con nosotros? - Porque somos la empresa más disruptiva del mercado y crecemos constantemente. - Porque tienes bebidas gratis en los frigobares de la empresa (¡Si, gratis!) - Porque te ofrecemos una remuneración muy competitiva. - Porque somos 100% formales. No hay letras pequeñas en tu contrato ni tampoco te decimos que vamos a cumplir para no hacerlo. Ingresas con planilla completa desde el primer día. - Porque si eres bueno en lo que haces te consideramos para ascender. Simple y efectivo, no contratamos jefes, los formamos. - Porque te capacitamos constantemente (somos una empresa de capacitación, si capacitamos clientes externos, ¿por qué no habríamos de hacerlo con nuestros colaboradores?) - Porque no tenemos un excelente ambiente de trabajo, tenemos el #estiloingenium. Cuando ingreses a trabajar te preguntarás ¿Por qué no postule antes? ¿Qué Esperamos de ti? - Dominio de HTML, CSS, JavaScript. - Conocimiento de PHP a nivel Intermedio. - Vue.js, Angular, Node.js, Github, ECMAScript, TypeScript. - Responsive design, CSS Grid, Api Rest. - Conocimientos en maquetación. - Conocimiento del manejo y mantenimiento de wordpress. - Pasión por la calidad de tu código y buenas prácticas. - Capacidad para trabajar en equipo (indispensable). - Tu actitud y capacidad será lo más valorado. ¡Decídete pertenecer a nuestro equipo, te esperamos!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Terciario 1 año de experiencia Edad: entre 23 y 30 años Conocimientos: CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Servidores Web, Node.js, HTML 5, WordPress Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers, internet
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Ica (Ica)
content="PINUSH, empresa de desarrollo de software con más de 7 años de experiencia brindando soluciones en Facturación Electrónica y Logística a empresas y, Comercialización de Equipos para puntos de venta, esta en proceso de expansión y nos encontramos en la búsqueda un programador Java para la ciudad de Ica. Funciones: • Atender los requerimientos de desarrollo de software asignados por el analista de sistemas. • Realizar pruebas unitarias y de integración de los desarrollos. • Resolver problemas de código del día a día. • Elaboración de la documentación de los sistemas. Requisitos: • Profesional con estudios técnicos o universitarios en Sistemas o afines. • Experiencia mínima de dos años en desarrollo web. • Sólidos conocimientos en desarrollo orientado a objetos con Java, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML y CSS. • Experiencia mínima de dos años en desarrollo web Java Spring MVC. • Manejo de bases de datos especialmente PostgreSQL. • Experiencia mínima de dos años en el uso de SQL y procedimientos almacenados. • Conocimientos Solidos en Diseño y Modelado de Bases de Datos. • Saber usar software para control de versiones como Git y GitHub. • Tener experiencia desarrollando APIs • Tener conocimientos en Computación (hardware y software) y Sistemas. Habilidades: • Facilidad para comunicarse y relacionarse. • Ser Proactivo. • Trabajo en equipo. • Capacidad para adaptarse a los cambios. Beneficios: • Buen ambiente de trabajo. • Excelente clima laboral. • Sueldo fijo de S/ 1800.00 Horario de trabajo: - Lunes a viernes (9:00 am a 1:00 pm y 3:00 pm a 8:00 pm) - Sábados (9:00 am a 2:00 pm). -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Técnico 2 años de experiencia Idiomas: Español Edad: entre 20 y 45 años Conocimientos: PostgreSQL, CSS, Java, JavaScript, jQuery, Spring MVC, HTML 5, Microsoft Office Disponibilidad de viajar: Si Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers
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Callao (Callao)
content="El Grupo METALINDUSTRIAS, corporación peruana con más de 30 años liderando el mercado metalmecánico y participando en proyectos de energía, minería, telecomunicaciones, construcción, industria, entre otros; se encuentra en la búsqueda de un PROGRAMADOR DE CNC con el siguiente perfil: Requisitos: • Egresado técnico en mecánica de producción, dibujo técnico mecánico o afines. • Conocimiento en el uso de máquinas CNC como: pantógrafos, punzonadoras. • Cursos culminados de AutoCAD o inventor. • Disponibilidad para laborar de lunes a sábados en el Callao. • Vivir en Callao o zonas aledañas Misión del puesto: Realizar la programación en lenguaje CNC de los equipos para el funcionamiento óptimo de las máquinas en relación a los códigos de programación para corte, ángulos, emisión de programas con PCP entre otros requerimientos del área. Beneficios: • Planilla directa con todos los beneficios de ley desde el primer día. • Línea de carrera • Salario acorde al mercado. • Estabilidad laboral. • EPS cubierta 50% por la empresa (Opcional). • Alimentación cubierta parcialmente por la empresa. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitaria / I.P. / C.F.T. Menos de 1 año de experiencia Edad: entre 21 y 45 años Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers
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Lima (Lima)
content="Por encargo de nuestro cliente, importante empresa del rubro de tecnológico, nos encontramos en la búsqueda de un Analista Programador Android Kotlin o Java. Requisitos: - Grado académico egresado/bachiller/titulado de Ing. De Sistemas, Computación e Informática o carreras afines. - Experiencia mínima de 2 años en desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles (Java/Kotlin), análisis de requisitos, diseño e implementación de aplicaciones. - Experiencia en el uso de sistemas de control de fuentes basados en GIT - Dominio de IDE Android Studio - Sólidos conocimientos en POO - Conocimiento de Layouts Flexibles (ConstraintLayout) - Uso de ViewBinding & LiveData - Sólidos conocimientos en patrones de diseño y arquitectura (MVP - MVVM) - Uso de clientes REST para consumir servicios (Volley - Retrofit2) Funciones: - Desarrollo responsivo para web, aplicaciones híbridas mobile - Desarrollo nativo Android - Experiencia en resolver problemas de compatibilidad asociados con cross-browsers y cross-platforms - Análisis y desarrollo de servicios requeridos por el cliente - Otras funciones inherentes al puesto Beneficios: - Planilla completa con todos los beneficios de ley. - Trabajo 100% de remoto. - Horario: Lunes a viernes de 8:00 am – 6:00 pm. - EPS 100%. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Terciario 2 años de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers, home, casa, remote, teletrabajo
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Cusco (Cusco)
content="Somos una empresa con MILES DE CLIENTES en todo el país, te ofrecemos la oportunidad de formar parte de nuestro equipo, con salarios competitivos, pertenecerás a un equipo grande de programadores, donde podrás compartir tus experiencias y aprender de tus compañeros. REQUISITOS: - Egresado de Ingeniería de sistemas, Ingeniería Informática, Ingeniería de Software o afines. - Experiencia en desarrollo, presentar proyectos anteriores o mención. - Conocimientos en base de datos SQL Server (medio - avanzado) - Conocimientos en C#, Javascript, API REST o SOAP, BOOSTRAP. - Disponibilidad tiempo completo y trabajo presencial. BENEFICIOS: - Remuneración en planilla. - Podrás ascender e incrementar tu remuneración rápidamente, de acuerdo a tu desempeño. - Valoramos EL MERITO y producimos software para miles de clientes en todo el país. - Línea de Carrera. - Ambiente laboral agradable. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitaria / I.P. / C.F.T. Edad: entre 22 y 40 años Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, JavaScript Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers, engeneering, system
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Cusco (Cusco)
content="Somos una empresa con MILES DE CLIENTES en todo el país, te ofrecemos la oportunidad de formar parte de nuestro equipo, con salarios competitivos, pertenecerás a un equipo grande de programadores, donde podrás compartir tus experiencias y aprender de tus compañeros. REQUISITOS: - Egresado de Ingeniería de sistemas, Ingeniería Informática, Ingeniería de Software o afines. - Experiencia en desarrollo, presentar proyectos anteriores o mención. - Conocimientos en base de datos SQL Server (medio - avanzado) - Conocimientos en C#, Javascript, API REST o SOAP, BOOSTRAP. - Disponibilidad tiempo completo y trabajo presencial. BENEFICIOS: - Remuneración en planilla. - Podrás ascender e incrementar tu remuneración rápidamente, de acuerdo a tu desempeño. - Valoramos EL MERITO y producimos software para miles de clientes en todo el país. - Línea de Carrera. - Ambiente laboral agradable. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Edad: entre 21 y 35 años Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, JavaScript Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers, engeneering, system
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Cusco (Cusco)
content="Caja Cusco, entidad financiera líder en la región sur del Perú, especializada en microfinanzas, ahorros y servicios financieros. Con más de 2,300 colaboradores comprometidos que lo hacen posible. Implementar los programas informáticos y reportes de las áreas usuarias con el fin de ayudar y facilitar a las mismas. -Desarrollar los programas informáticos, para cubrir las necesidades de los usuarios de la CAJA CUSCO S.A. -Asegurar el cumplimiento de políticas y normativas de seguridad en los procesos de desarrollo de sistemas. -Implementar y modificar los programas que se ejecutan por los usuarios, vigilando que los procesos se ejecuten correctamente. Nuestro Candidato Ideal: -Título técnico, bachiller o Título Profesional en Ingeniería de Sistemas o Informática, -o Técnico en Sistemas, Informática o carreras afines. -Mínima de un (01) año en diseño y programación de sistemas -o un (01) año en puestos similares en entidades financieras. --Conocimientos en Metodologías de desarrollo y lenguaje de programación. -Deseable: -Curso de Especialización relacionado al cargo de mínimo (24) horas lectivas. -Fecha Máxima de postulación 05/06/2022 Ubicación: Cusco, Cusco Discapacidad: Esta vacante es apta para personas con discapacidad. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Técnico 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="REQUISITOS Egresado o Bachiller de Ing. de Sistemas Experiencia en desarrollos a medida de aplicaciones administrativas Trabajo en base de datos MySql, SQL Server, lenguajes de programación Experiencia comprobada de 1 año CONDICIONES Trabajo a tiempo completo o puede ser a tiempo parcial Trabajo presencial y virtual Ingresos en planilla de acuerdo a calificación y experiencia Trabajo en formación para futuros desarrollos. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: developer, desarrollador, developers, jr
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Callao (Callao)
content="Por encargo de nuestro cliente estamos en búsqueda de un: Desarrollador /Programador.NET / TI - Callao Requisitos: - Egresado(a) técnico o universitario de las carreras de Ingeniería de sistemas. - Conocimiento en cálculo de una planillas. - conocimiento técnico en el módulo de SAP HR. - Ms Project a nivel intermedio. - Ingles a nivel intermedio - avanzado. - Excel a nivel intermedio- avanzado. - Conocimiento avanzado de Programación en.Net - Conocimiento de AS/400 y DB2. - 2 años de experiencia en posiciones similares. Funciones: - Configurar e implementar las aplicaciones de TI Corporativo, sean nuevas implementaciones o modificaciones a las ya existentes; a través de configuraciones, pruebas, capacitaciones, manuales técnicos y escenarios de pruebas para garantizar su operatividad dentro de la organización. - Informar a los usuarios del proyecto el inicio del mismo, mediante el envío de correo electrónico. - Analizar el requerimiento del usuario en el módulo SAP de HR. - Cumplir con la documentación requerida en las diferentes fases del proyectos (BBP, DAT, Control de Cambio, Pruebas Unitarias, Casos de Prueba para Certificación, Pruebas Integrales de Usuario, Acta de Pase a PRD, Informe de Cierre del Proyecto). - Apoyar y/o resolver tickets de soporte. - Apoyar en estimaciones de proyectos cuando lo requiere el Jefe/Experto del módulo SAP HR. 'En Manpower promovemos la inclusión e inserción laboral de personas con discapacidad'. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 2 años de experiencia Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: developer, programador, developers, desarrollador
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Fullstack Developer (.NET + Angular) / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Fullstack Developers (.NET + Angular) to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product, developing, coding, testing, and debugging application programs of varying degrees of complexity. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details, developing and implementing acceptance tests to ensure that product meets customer requirements and expectations. - Ensure the high performance of all systems developed. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of experience working as a developer, with practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience in developing applications using Angular/.NET technology stack. - Solid experience with HTML, CSS, and writing cross-browser compatible code. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Fullstack Developer (.NET + Angular) / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Fullstack Developers (.NET + Angular) to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product, developing, coding, testing, and debugging application programs of varying degrees of complexity. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details, developing and implementing acceptance tests to ensure that product meets customer requirements and expectations. - Ensure the high performance of all systems developed. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of experience working as a developer, with practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience in developing applications using Angular/.NET technology stack. - Solid experience with HTML, CSS, and writing cross-browser compatible code. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Angular Developer at BairesDev We are looking for Angular Senior Developers to join our Development team and participate in different projects made up of multicultural teams distributed throughout the world. We are looking for proactive people, team players passionate about programming in this language and oriented to provide the best experience to the end user. This is an excellent opportunity for those professionals looking to develop in one of the fastest growing companies in the industry! These developers will face numerous technical challenges, so they must use current technologies, get involved in the mobile world, web applications, devices, etc. What You’ll Do: - Develop, code, test, and debug application programs of varying degree of complexity. - Code user interfaces with the latest frontend technologies - Work with business users to develop and implement acceptance tests to ensure that product meets customer requirements and expectations. - Ensure high performance of all systems developed. Here’s what we are looking for: - 5+ years of experience working as a developer. - 2+ years of experience in Angular 2+. - Experience in developing applications using Angular/Java technology stack. - Solid experience with HTML, CSS, and writing cross-browser compatible code. - Strong knowledge of AJAX and JavaScript Dom manipulation Techniques. - Experience with MSSQL and/or PostgresSQL - Experience with React is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Técnico 5 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: PostgreSQL, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, AngularJS, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Lima (Lima)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Fullstack Developer (.NET + Angular) / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Fullstack Developers (.NET + Angular) to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product, developing, coding, testing, and debugging application programs of varying degrees of complexity. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details, developing and implementing acceptance tests to ensure that product meets customer requirements and expectations. - Ensure the high performance of all systems developed. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of experience working as a developer, with practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience in developing applications using Angular/.NET technology stack. - Solid experience with HTML, CSS, and writing cross-browser compatible code. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Fullstack Developer (.NET + Angular) / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Fullstack Developers (.NET + Angular) to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product, developing, coding, testing, and debugging application programs of varying degrees of complexity. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details, developing and implementing acceptance tests to ensure that product meets customer requirements and expectations. - Ensure the high performance of all systems developed. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of experience working as a developer, with practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience in developing applications using Angular/.NET technology stack. - Solid experience with HTML, CSS, and writing cross-browser compatible code. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Fullstack Developer (.NET + Angular) / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Fullstack Developers (.NET + Angular) to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product, developing, coding, testing, and debugging application programs of varying degrees of complexity. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details, developing and implementing acceptance tests to ensure that product meets customer requirements and expectations. - Ensure the high performance of all systems developed. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of experience working as a developer, with practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience in developing applications using Angular/.NET technology stack. - Solid experience with HTML, CSS, and writing cross-browser compatible code. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Flutter Developer at BairesDev We are looking for Flutter Developers to join our Development team and participate in different projects made up of multicultural teams distributed throughout the world. We are looking for proactive people, team players passionate about programming in this language and oriented to provide the best experience to the end user. This is an excellent opportunity for those professionals looking to develop in one of the fastest growing companies in the industry! These developers will face numerous technical challenges, so they must use current technologies, get involved in the mobile world, web applications, devices, etc. What You’ll Do: - Create multi-platform apps for iOS and Android using Google's Flutter development framework. - Work with a team of developers to build and deploy Flutter apps, work in the development environment maintenance, and technical detailing. - Design, implement and maintain product modules/sub-systems. - Perform code and design reviews. - Perform bug verification, release testing and support for assigned products. - Conduct unit testing and integration testing. - Make sure the delivered product matches the business requirements and criteria. Here’s what we are looking for: - 5+ years of experience programming with.NET and Node. - 2+ years of experience with Flutter. - Experience with Java and Android. - Working experience in developing mobile applications for iOS using Swift or Objective-C. - Experience writing automated test cases, performance tuning, threading, and offline storage. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 5 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Dot Net, Java, Tecnología de la información, Node.js, SWIFT, Objective-C, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Developer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding.NET Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. - Other duties as assigned. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Junior/MidLevel.NET Developer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Junior.NET Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop services and APIs for the Degreed product. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. - Other duties as assigned. Here’s what we are looking for: - 2+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 2 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Senior.NET Developer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Senior.NET Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. - Other duties as assigned. Here’s what we are looking for: - 5+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 5 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. ASP.NET Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding ASP.NET Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop (analyze requirements, document, and test), MS-SQL server stored procedures, and Web-based applications using ASP and ASP.NET. - Create and maintain complex reports using MS-SQL server Devices and or modifies procedures to solve the most complex technical problems related to computer equipment capacity and limitations, operating time, and form of desired results. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server, and ASP.NET. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Developer at BairesDev Being a Python Senior Developer in our Development Team is just like being a full-time problem solver. We expect your abilities to be a combination of experience, knowledge, and independence. Innovation is also at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. So, if you were willing to take on the most complex tasks and be a master of your tech stack, Phyton, then you are probably one of those unique we’re looking for. These developers will face numerous technical challenges, so they must use current technologies, get involved in the mobile world, web applications, devices, etc. What You’ll Do: - Create automation systems and tools to configure, monitor, and orchestrate data infrastructure and pipelines. - Create data integration services to help onboard new customers as quickly as possible. - Maintain ongoing reliability, performance, and support of the data infrastructure, providing solutions based on application needs and anticipated growth. Here’s what we are looking for: - 5+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience with SQL and NoSQL Databases. - Experience with Microservices and the Cloud. - Advanced algorithm knowledge. - Intermediate agile methodologies management. - Strong understanding of best practices, SOLID principles, CLEAN Code, and scalable solutions. - Design Patterns knowledge. - Experience developing entire applications from scratch. - Experience in automated tests, CI/CD pipelines. - Strong experience with Version control. - Strong experience with Unit testing, integration testing, and code coverage. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 5 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects..NET Developer at BairesDev Being a.NET Senior Developer in our Development Team is just like being a full-time problem solver. We expect your abilities to be a combination of experience, knowledge, and independence. Innovation is also at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. So, if you were willing to take on the most complex tasks and be a master of your.NET tech stack, then you are probably one of those unique we’re looking for. What You’ll Do: - Architect and develop various services and APIs for the Degreed product. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. - Other duties as assigned. Here’s what we are looking for: - Experience with SQL and NoSQL Databases. - Experience with Microservices and the Cloud. - Advanced algorithm knowledge. - IT infrastructure knowledge. - Intermediate agile methodologies management. - Strong understanding of best practices, SOLID principles, CLEAN Code, and scalable solutions. - Design Patterns knowledge. - Experience developing entire applications from scratch. - Experience in automated tests, CI/CD pipelines. - Strong experience with Version control. - Strong experience with Unit testing, integration testing, and code coverage. - Advanced English Level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 5 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, ASP.NET MVC, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Golang Developer at BairesDev Being a Golang Senior Developer in our Development Team is just like being a full-time problem solver. We expect your abilities to be a combination of experience, knowledge, and independence. Innovation is also at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. So, if you were willing to take on the most complex tasks and be a master of your tack stack, Golang language, then you are probably one of those unique we’re looking for. These developers will face numerous technical challenges, so they must use current technologies, get involved in the mobile world, web applications, devices, etc. What You’ll Do: - Scope and design app. - Work with business team to get their requirements. - Build in Golang. - Build custom API. - Develop the front end (language TBD and can influence). - Work with Infrastructure team to set up in Coinbase environments (AWS, EC2, Docker). - Circle CI testing. Here’s what we are looking for: - Experience with SQL and NoSQL Databases. - Experience with Microservices and the Cloud. - Advanced algorithm knowledge. - IT infrastructure knowledge. - Intermediate agile methodologies management. - Strong understanding of best practices, SOLID principles, CLEAN Code, and scalable solutions. - Design Patterns knowledge. - Experience developing entire applications from scratch. - Experience in automated tests, CI/CD pipelines. - Strong experience with Version control. - Strong experience with Unit testing, integration testing, and code coverage. - Advanced English Level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 5 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Tecnología de la información, Docker, Go, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Developer at BairesDev Being a Python Senior Developer in our Development Team is just like being a full-time problem solver. We expect your abilities to be a combination of experience, knowledge, and independence. Innovation is also at the heart of the BairesDev strategy. So, if you were willing to take on the most complex tasks and be a master of your tech stack, Phyton, then you are probably one of those unique we’re looking for. These developers will face numerous technical challenges, so they must use current technologies, get involved in the mobile world, web applications, devices, etc. What You’ll Do: - Create automation systems and tools to configure, monitor, and orchestrate data infrastructure and pipelines. - Create data integration services to help onboard new customers as quickly as possible. - Maintain ongoing reliability, performance, and support of the data infrastructure, providing solutions based on application needs and anticipated growth. Here’s what we are looking for: - 5+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience with SQL and NoSQL Databases. - Experience with Microservices and the Cloud. - Advanced algorithm knowledge. - Intermediate agile methodologies management. - Strong understanding of best practices, SOLID principles, CLEAN Code, and scalable solutions. - Design Patterns knowledge. - Experience developing entire applications from scratch. - Experience in automated tests, CI/CD pipelines. - Strong experience with Version control. - Strong experience with Unit testing, integration testing, and code coverage. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 5 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Android Developer at BairesDev We are looking for Android Senior Developers to join our Development team and participate in different projects made up of multicultural teams distributed throughout the world. We are looking for proactive people, team players passionate about programming in this language and oriented to provide the best experience to the end user. This is an excellent opportunity for those professionals looking to develop in one of the fastest growing companies in the industry! These developers will face numerous technical challenges, so they must use current technologies, get involved in the mobile world, web applications, devices, etc. What You’ll Do: - Able to work independently with minimal supervision, as well as collaborate with a diverse team. - Accountable for resolution of the most technically challenging issues facing the organization. - Write code with increasing quality and maintainability. - Guide the architecture of large features which impact all parts of the company, identifying issues and raising concerns/blockers for mitigation. - Research and introduce new technology to improve the applications and/or the development pipeline. Here’s what we are looking for: - 6+ years of experience in development. - 5+ years of experience in Android development. - Solid knowledge of design and architecture patterns. - Solid knowledge and management of programming fundamentals including algorithms and data structures. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 5 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Junior/MidLevel.NET Developer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Junior.NET Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Develop services and APIs for the Degreed product. - Use SOLID principles in creating maintainable and high-quality code. - Collaborate with product owners to ensure features/changes meet business requirements and fulfill the Degreed strategy. - Work closely with designers, UX, and other developers to gain an understanding of new features, dependencies, and technical details. - Other duties as assigned. Here’s what we are looking for: - 2+ years of practical experience in Web projects, C #, SQL Server. - Experience with HTML / CSS and Javascript frameworks. - Experience with MVC. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 2 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: SQL Server, C#, CSS, Dot Net, HTML, JavaScript, Tecnología de la información, Lean, Agile Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, home, casa, remoto
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