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Lima (Lima)
¡¡¡ ENVIO GRATIS A NIVEL NACIONAL !!! Audifonos Skullcandy Riff S5PXW, es un manos libres con reproducción High Definition y sonido nítido capaces de producir graves, potentes y agudos claros, los audífonos vienen con un chasis resistente, diseño pegable, los brazos del auricular giran suavemente, las guías y bandas giratorias se ajustan para un calce exacto, almohadillas de espuma, tienen un diseño delgado y plegable que es perfecto para los amantes de la música que disfrutan de golpes y surcos fuertes mientras viajan. Duración de la batería 12 hrs., con micrófono y control integrado de audio, llamadas y cambio de pista. **TODOS LOS AURICULARES CON SABOR.** Riff Wireless viene en cuatro colores diferentes para reflejar su estilo único. Complementa tu look con colores que resaltan, un acabado suave al tacto y almohadillas suaves para los oídos. **TODO LO QUE NECESITA, NADA QUE NO HAGA.** Riff Wireless combina perfectamente la simplicidad y la tecnología. Obtienes una calidad de sonido audaz y características convenientes que te hacen la vida más fácil. Sin extras innecesarios. **CARGA RAPIDA** No espere a que se carguen sus auriculares. Tan solo 10 minutos de carga te dan 2 horas de uso. **VA A CUALQUIER LUGAR** El liviano Riff Wireless se pliega pequeño para que pueda ir a donde quiera que vaya. **CONTROLES CONVENIENTES** Los botones fáciles de usar ajustan el volumen, cambian las pistas e incluso activan su asistente personal para obtener indicaciones o enviar mensajes de texto con manos libres. ***ESPECIFICACIONES TECNICAS:*** - Tecnología inalámbrica Bluetooth® 4.1 - 12 horas de duración de la batería - Carga rápida: 10 minutos = 2 horas - Diadema ultra duradera - Control de llamadas y seguimiento - Asistente de Activar - Impedancia: 32 ohm - Altavoces: 40mm - Distorsión armónica: - Voltaje: 3,7V - Banda de frecuencia: 2042-2080MHz
S/. 284
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Lima (Lima)
¡¡¡ ENVIO GRATIS A NIVEL NACIONAL !!! Los estéreo Haptics entregan fuertes bajos direccionales a cada oído. Los controladores de audio proporcionan un sonido potente y refinado para todo tipo de música. Hasta 40 horas de batería. **Stereo Haptic Bass** Stereo Haptic Bass se entrega a cada lado de la cabeza para obtener graves verdaderos a la derecha e izquierda. **Controladores ajustados a medida** Los controladores de audio ajustados a la medida ofrecen una acústica rica y refinada para complementar el bajo Stereo Haptic en toda la música. **Aislamiento de ruido** La acústica refinada proporciona un ajuste aislante del ruido que elimina la distracción. **Bajo ajustable** Ajuste el control deslizante en el auricular para personalizar la experiencia inmersiva de graves según sus preferencias o medios. **Larga duración de la batería** Hasta 40 horas de duración de la batería inalámbrica Bluetooth® lo conectan a sus medios sin vincularlo a su dispositivo. **Controles incorporados** Para tomar llamadas, administrar música y ajustar el volumen, el control remoto y el micrófono se integran en el auricular.
S/. 479
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Lima (Lima)
¡¡¡ ENVIO GRATIS A NIVEL NACIONAL !! Disfruta el sonido de alta calidad de unos audífonos inalámbricos. Transmite música todo el día mediante la conexión BLUETOOTH® con NFC One-Touch y disfruta hasta 20 horas de duración de la batería, así como las funciones de llamadas con manos libres y comandos del asistente de voz de tu smartphone. **NFC y Bluetooth** La tecnología Near Field Communication (NFC) hace que las complejas secuencias de instalación sean cosa del pasado. Solo tienes que tocar el símbolo N con determinados dispositivos con NFC para establecer una conexión rápida y perfecta, y empezar a transmitir contenido a través de una conexión inalámbrica Bluetooth®. ¿No tienes NFC? No hay problema. Todavía puedes conectarte manualmente a los audífonos Bluetooth® desde el menú de configuración del dispositivo. **20 horas de duración de batería** Haz que la música siga sonando con hasta 20 horas de batería. **Transmite un sonido de calidad todo el día** Escucha música con un sonido nítido desde diafragmas de 30 mm. **Llamadas con manos libres de forma sencilla ** La conversión fluye libremente con la función de llamadas con manos libres, posible gracias al micrófono integrado. No necesitarás sacar el teléfono del bolsillo. **Compatibles con asistentes de voz ** Con solo presionar un botón te conectarás al asistente de voz del smartphone para obtener direcciones, reproducir música o comunicarte con tus contactos. **Funcionamiento sencillo con botones** Utiliza los botones para reproducir, detener o saltar canciones, así como para ajustar el volumen. ***ESPECIFICACIONES TECNICAS:*** - Versión de Bluetooth®: Versión 4.2 - Alcance efectivo: Alcance aprox. de 10 m (30 pies) - Rango de frecuencia: Banda de 2,4 GHz - Perfil: A2DP, AVRCP, HFP, HSP - Formatos de audio compatibles: SBC, AAC - Protección de contenido compatible: SCMS-T - Tiempo de carga de batería: Aprox. 4,5 horas - Tiempo de reproducción de música continua: Máx. 20 horas - Tiempo en espera: Máx. 200 horas - Tipo de audífonos: Dinámica cerrada - Unidad de diafragma: 30 mm - Respuesta en frecuencia: 20 Hz - 20.000 Hz (muestreo de 44,1 kHz) - Control de volumen: Sí - Control de respuesta de ritmo: Sobre la oreja - NFC: Sí
S/. 225
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Peru (Todas las ciudades)
¡¡¡ ENVIO GRATIS A NIVEL NACIONAL !!! Los audífonos Philips BASS+ cuentan con graves amplios y potentes en un paquete elegante y valor: audífonos inalámbricos Bluetooth para aquellos que necesitan más graves en la música sin peso adicional. **La batería recargable tiene una autonomía de hasta 12 horas de tiempo de reproducción** Con una autonomía de 12 horas de tiempo de reproducción, tendrás suficiente energía para escuchar música todo el día. **Controladores de altavoz de 32 mm** Los audífonos BASS+ poseen controlador de altavoz de 32 mm que producen graves intensos y resonantes. **Los audífonos y banda sujetadora ajustables ofrecen una máxima comodidad** Diseñados para un ajuste óptimo, los audífonos BASS+ se pueden girar y tienen una banda sujetadora ajustable que se adapta a cualquier usuario. **Graves intensos y potentes que puedes sentir** Estos son graves intensos y potentes que te permiten realmente sentir la música. No te dejes engañar por el diseño estilizado; los controladores ajustados especialmente y la ventilación de bajos producen frecuencias finales ultrabajas que crean una firma de sonido BASS+ sin igual. **Tecnología inalámbrica Bluetooth** Empareja fácilmente tus audífonos con cualquier dispositivo Bluetooth para escuchar música de forma inalámbrica. **Diseño de plegado plano para facilitar su transporte** Gracias a su diseño plegable plano, los audífonos BASS+ son fáciles de plegar y guardar, lo que los hace ideales para viajar. **Realiza llamadas con manos libres cómodamente** Realización de llamadas con manos libres cómodamente con el micrófono y la tecnología Bluetooth® 4.1 **Almohadillas suaves para un uso prolongado cómodo** Las suaves almohadillas respirables ofrecen gran comodidad durante largas sesiones de audición. **Excelente sistema de aislación de sonido para disfrutar una mejor experiencia acústica** Con un diseño acústico cerrado, los audífonos BASS+ bloquean el ruido ambiental para crear un aislamiento del sonido mejorado y obtener una mejor experiencia acústica. **Cable de carga USB** Mantén los audífonos cargados en el momento que los necesites con el cable de carga USB incluido. **Controla las llamadas, la música y el volumen con interruptores ubicados en las orejeras** Los controles de botones ubicados en la orejera derecha te permiten controlar la música y las llamadas con un solo toque. ***Especificaciones técnicas*** - Sistema acústico: Cerrado - Versión de Bluetooth: 4.1 - Alcance máximo: Hasta 10 m - Perfiles de Bluetooth: A2DP, AVRCP, HFP, HSP - Tipo de imán: NdFeB - Respuesta de frecuencia: 9 - 21,000 Hz - Impedancia: 32 ohm - Diámetro del altavoz: 32 mm - Entrada máxima de potencia: 40 mW - Diafragma: PET - Sensibilidad: 103 dB - Tipo: dinámico - Tipo de batería: Litio-polímero - Tiempo en espera: 166 horas - Tiempo conversación: 12 horas - Tiempo de reproducción de música: 12 horas - Micrófono: Micrófono integrado - Administración de llamadas: Llamada retenida, Alternar entre dos llamadas, Responder/Finalizar llamada, Silenciador del micrófono, Rechazar llamada, Alterna entre música y llamadas
S/. 164
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Chachapoyas (Amazonas)
Comprar 2 Obtener 1 Gratis ... Comprar 5 obtener 2 gratis con Envío .. Contáctenos 24 Hrs Whatssap de chat ... +233249055236 // +60 11 3367 7170 Email: electltd2006@gmail.com Apple iPhone 6S Plus 6s de Apple iiphone Desbloqueado Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128 GB desbloqueado Apple iPhone 64GB Desbloqueado 6 Plus Apple iPhone 16GB Desbloqueado 6 Plus ==================a======================== Apple iPhone 6 128 GB desbloqueado Apple iPhone 64GB Desbloqueado 6 Apple iPhone 16GB Desbloqueado 6 ================================================= Apple IPhone 64GB DESBLOQUEADO 5S Apple IPhone 5S 32 GB desbloqueado Apple IPhone 16GB DESBLOQUEADO 5S =============================================== Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Edge Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Samsung Galaxy S6Edge Plus Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Samsung Galaxy S6 Samsung Galaxy S5 Samsung Galaxy S4 Samsung Galaxy s3 ======================================= Monorover R2 dos ruedas Auto Equilibrio Scooter eléctrico =============================================== 10% de descuento Dado en cualquier móvil por encima del 2 Unidad ....
S/. 400
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Lima (Lima)
Memoria MicroSd de 128GB Sandisk Extreme V30 A2, clase 10 U3 para 4K (Ultra HD), lectura hasta 100mb/s y 90mb/s escritura, con adaptador. ========================================================================================================= Producto Nuevo, Sellado y Original. Ofrece grabación de video full HD y 4 K Ultra HD y reproducción continua Cumple con la nueva clase 3 de velocidad UHS (U3) y la clase 30 de velocidad de video UHS (V30) para videos 4 K Ultra HD7 Transferencia más rápida con velocidades de lectura de hasta 100 MB/s* Creada para condiciones severas, resistente al agua y a la temperatura, y a prueba de golpes y rayos x3 Ofrece grabación de video full HD y 4K Ultra HD y reproducción continua1 Cumple con la nueva velocidad UHS (U3) y la clase 30 de velocidad de video UHS (V30) para videos 4K Ultra HD Transferencia más rápida con velocidades de hasta 100 MB/s5 Hasta 128 GB para obtener más espacio con el fin de contagiar la emoción La Memoria Micro Sd Sandisk Extreme 128 gb 100mb/s 4K U3 Clase 10 es resistente al agua, a prueba de golpes, y una prueba de rayos-X. Pueden operar en temperaturas que van desde -13 hasta 185 grados Fahrenheit. Tome el teléfono, tablet o cámara a las montañas, el océano o el desierto. Incluso si el dispositivo no sobrevive, la tarjeta de memoria SanDisk si. RECOMENDACIONES EN VISTA DE TANTAS FALSIFICACIONES DE MEMORIAS SANDISK NOS VEMOS EN LA NECESIDAD DE INFORMAR A TODOS NUESTROS CLIENTES QUE EXISTE UNA APLICACION GRATUITA LLAMADA SD INSIGHT QUE DETECTARA SI LA MEMORIA ES ORIGINAL O NO DANDOTE INFORMACION DE FABRICACION,CAPACIDAD REAL Y MUCHOS DATOS MAS DE LA MEMORIA INSERTADA ASI QUE YA SABES COMO RECONOCER CUALQUIER TIPO DE MEMORIA MICRO SD, NO TE DEJES SORPRENDER, ENVIOS A PROVINCIA POR OLVA COURRIER O EMPRESA DE TRANSPORTE. ¡ DELIVERY GRATIS A DOMICILIO O TRABAJO EN TODO LIMA METROPOLITANA Y OLVIDATE DEL TRAFICO !
S/. 17.999
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Peru (Todas las ciudades)
- EMPRESA: DIGITAL PERU IMPORTRONIC EIRL - RUC. 20550258782 - UBICACION: SAN BORJA. Click en el boton azul COMPRAR para obtener nuestros datos exactos. - ENVIAMOS A DOMICILIO O TRABAJO EN LIMA Y CALLAO Y PAGA AL RECIBIR EL PRODUCTO (GRATIS) - ENVIOS PROVINCIA +16 soles por OLVA COURIER (previo deposito). En caso el paquete exceda el tamaño maximo permitido o el envío sea para una zona muy alejada el costo de envío se incrementará o cambiaremos la agencia de envio. Smart Watch A1 – Reloj Inteligente en Español con ranura para Chip, ranura para microSD y camara integrada. – Conéctalo al celular mediante bluetooth – Contesta y realiza llamadas mediante el reloj – Cuenta con ranura para CHIP (puede usar Claro, Movistar, Entel) – Cuenta con ranura para microSD (expandible hasta 32gb, no incluye memoria) – Cuenta con camara integrada de 2.0mp – Revisa tus SMS o notificaciones de mensajes de Whatsapp, Facebook o cualquier notificacion (es configurable) – Escucha la música de tu celular o revisa tu agenda de contactos. – Duración de hasta 2 días con bluetooth conectado o hasta 6 dias sin conexión ESPECIFICACIONES – Compatible con Bluetooth V 3.0 o superior – Compatible 100% con Android 2.3 o superior: Samsung S3, S4, S5, Note 2, Note 3, LG G2 etc. – En iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6S solo funcionaran las llamadas via bluetooth, no funcionarán las notificaciones y no hay aplicación de celular para llevar los registros o estadísticas. – Pantalla de 1,56¿ Tácti
S/. 69
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Peru (Todas las ciudades)
- EMPRESA: DIGITAL PERU IMPORTRONIC EIRL - RUC. 20550258782 - UBICACION: SAN BORJA. Clic en el botón azul COMPRAR para obtener nuestros datos exactos. - ENVIAMOS A DOMICILIO O TRABAJO EN LIMA Y CALLAO Y PAGA AL RECIBIR EL PRODUCTO (GRATIS) - ENVIOS PROVINCIA +16 soles por OLVA COURIER (previo deposito). En caso el paquete exceda el tamaño máximo permitido o el envío sea para una zona muy alejada el costo de envío se incrementará o cambiaremos la agencia de envío. Características del producto: – Conéctalo al celular mediante bluetooth – Contesta y realiza llamadas mediante el reloj – Revisa tus SMS o avisos de mensajes de Whatsapp, Facebook o cualquier notificacion (es configurable) – Escucha la música de tu celular o revisa tu agenda de contactos. – Duración de hasta 2 días con bluetooth conectado o hasta 6 dias sin conexión ESPECIFICACIONES – Compatible con Bluetooth V 2.0 o superior – Compatible 100% con Android 2.3 o superior: Samsung S3, S4, S5, Note 2, Note 3, LG G2 etc. – En iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6S no funcionarán las notificaciones y no hay aplicación de celular para llevar los registros o estadísticas. – Pantalla de 1,48¿ Táctil TFT LCD – Timbre de aviso cuando se recibe una llamada – Muestra el número o el nombre de las llamadas entrantes – Contestar o Marcar las llamadas desde tu muñeca – Escuchar la música en su teléfono a través de Bluetooth – SMS / historial de llamadas (sólo para teléfonos Android) – Notificación cuando se recibe un mensaje (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Skype, etc) – Alarma anti-pérdida: Cuando el celular se aleja este emite una alarma alertando su pérdida – Tomar fotos a distancia (sólo para teléfonos Android, se puede visualizar en la pantalla del smartwatch lo que se enfoca con la camara del celular vinculado) – Altimetro, podometro, Barómetro, Cronometro. – Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Chino – Tiempo de carga: 30 minutos – Tiempo de conversación: 5 horas – Tiempo con música: 6 horas – Batería de litio recargable. Contenido de la caja – Reloj Bluetooth – Cable usb – Manual – Mica
S/. 39
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Peru (Todas las ciudades)
Memoria MicroSd de 128GB Sandisk Extreme V30 A2, clase 10 U3 para 4K (Ultra HD), lectura hasta 100mb/s y 90mb/s escritura, con adaptador. ========================================================================================================= Producto Nuevo, Sellado y Original. Ofrece grabación de video full HD y 4 K Ultra HD y reproducción continua Cumple con la nueva clase 3 de velocidad UHS (U3) y la clase 30 de velocidad de video UHS (V30) para videos 4 K Ultra HD7 Transferencia más rápida con velocidades de lectura de hasta 100 MB/s* Creada para condiciones severas, resistente al agua y a la temperatura, y a prueba de golpes y rayos x3 Ofrece grabación de video full HD y 4K Ultra HD y reproducción continua1 Cumple con la nueva velocidad UHS (U3) y la clase 30 de velocidad de video UHS (V30) para videos 4K Ultra HD Transferencia más rápida con velocidades de hasta 100 MB/s5 Hasta 128 GB para obtener más espacio con el fin de contagiar la emoción La Memoria Micro Sd Sandisk Extreme 128 gb 100mb/s 4K U3 Clase 10 es resistente al agua, a prueba de golpes, y una prueba de rayos-X. Pueden operar en temperaturas que van desde -13 hasta 185 grados Fahrenheit. Tome el teléfono, tablet o cámara a las montañas, el océano o el desierto. Incluso si el dispositivo no sobrevive, la tarjeta de memoria SanDisk si. RECOMENDACIONES EN VISTA DE TANTAS FALSIFICACIONES DE MEMORIAS SANDISK NOS VEMOS EN LA NECESIDAD DE INFORMAR A TODOS NUESTROS CLIENTES QUE EXISTE UNA APLICACION GRATUITA LLAMADA SD INSIGHT QUE DETECTARA SI LA MEMORIA ES ORIGINAL O NO DANDOTE INFORMACION DE FABRICACION,CAPACIDAD REAL Y MUCHOS DATOS MAS DE LA MEMORIA INSERTADA ASI QUE YA SABES COMO RECONOCER CUALQUIER TIPO DE MEMORIA MICRO SD, NO TE DEJES SORPRENDER, /////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// /////////////////////// ENVIOS A PROVINCIA POR OLVA COURRIER O EMPRESA DE TRANSPORTE. ¡ DELIVERY GRATIS A DOMICILIO O TRABAJO EN TODO LIMA METROPOLITANA Y OLVIDATE DEL TRAFICO !
S/. 16.999
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Peru (Todas las ciudades)
- EMPRESA: DIGITAL PERU IMPORTRONIC EIRL - RUC. 20550258782 - UBICACION: SAN BORJA. Click en el boton azul COMPRAR para obtener nuestros datos exactos. - ENVIAMOS A DOMICILIO O TRABAJO EN LIMA Y CALLAO Y PAGA AL RECIBIR EL PRODUCTO (GRATIS) - ENVIOS PROVINCIA +16 soles por OLVA COURIER (previo deposito). En caso el paquete exceda el tamaño maximo permitido o el envío sea para una zona muy alejada el costo de envío se incrementará o cambiaremos la agencia de envio. Smart Watch DZ09 – Reloj Inteligente en Español con ranura para Chip, ranura para microSD y camara integrada. – Conéctalo al celular mediante bluetooth – Contesta y realiza llamadas mediante el reloj – Cuenta con ranura para CHIP (puede usar Claro, Movistar, Entel o Bitel) – Cuenta con ranura para microSD (expandible hasta 32gb, no incluye memoria) – Cuenta con camara integrada de 2.0mp – Revisa tus SMS o notificaciones de mensajes de Whatsapp, Facebook o cualquier notificacion (es configurable) – Escucha la música de tu celular o revisa tu agenda de contactos. – Duración de hasta 2 días con bluetooth conectado o hasta 6 dias sin conexión ESPECIFICACIONES – Compatible con Bluetooth V 3.0 o superior – Compatible 100% con Android 2.3 o superior: Samsung S3, S4, S5, Note 2, Note 3, LG G2 etc. – En iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6S solo funcionaran las llamadas via bluetooth, no funcionarán las notificaciones y no hay aplicación de celular para llevar los registros o estadísticas. – Pantalla de 1,56¿ Táctil TFT LCD – Timbre de aviso cuando se recibe una llamada – Muestra el número o el nombre de las llamadas entrantes – Contestar o Marcar las llamadas desde tu muñeca – Escuchar la música en su teléfono a través de Bluetooth – SMS / historial de llamadas (sólo para teléfonos Android) – Notificación cuando se recibe un mensaje (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Skype, etc) – Alarma anti-pérdida: Cuando el celular se aleja este emite una alarma alertando su pérdida – Tomar fotos a distancia (sólo para teléfonos Android, se puede visualizar en la pantalla del smartwatch lo que se enfoca con la camara del celular vinculado) – Altimetro, podometro, Barómetro, Cronometro. – Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Chino – Tiempo de carga: 60 minutos – Tiempo de conversación: 5 horas – Tiempo con música: 6 horas – Batería de litio recargable. Contenido de la caja – Reloj Bluetooth – Cable usb – Manual – Mica
S/. 69
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Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 128GB :$500 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 128GB :$500 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry passport 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 Yamaha YAS-82Z Custom z Alto saxophone, Black Lacquer ....600 Yamaha YAS-62II Professional Eb Alto Saxophone ....500 Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone .....600 Yamaha YSS675 soprano Saxophone ...500 Fender American Deluxe Jazz V 5-String bass, 3-Color Sunburst ...400 Fender Vintage Hot Rod 57 Strat 2-Color Sunburst Maple ....400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares PHONE PRINTER: Polaroid ZIP Mobile Printer w/ZINK Zero Ink Printing Technology - Compatible w/ $120usd Polaroid Zip Mobile Photo Printer: $100usd Fujifilm Instax Share SP-1 Instant Film Smartphone Printer: $120usd Fujifilm Instax Instant Smartphone Printer: $120usd Fujifilm instax SHARE Smartphone Printer SP-1: $150usd Fujifilm instax SHARE SP-2 Portable Color LED Photo Printer - Wireless: $200usd Fujifilm instax SHARE SP-1 Portable Color LED Photo Printer - Wireless: $180usd Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2
S/. 300
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Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 128GB :$500 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 128GB :$500 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry passport 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 Yamaha YAS-82Z Custom z Alto saxophone, Black Lacquer ....600 Yamaha YAS-62II Professional Eb Alto Saxophone ....500 Yamaha YAS-82Z Custom Z Series Alto Saxophone, Silver-plated ....600 Yamaha YSS675 soprano Saxophone ...500 Fender American Deluxe Jazz V 5-String bass, 3-Color Sunburst ...400 Fender Vintage Hot Rod 57 Strat 2-Color Sunburst Maple ....400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares PHONE PRINTER: Polaroid ZIP Mobile Printer w/ZINK Zero Ink Printing Technology - Compatible w/ $120usd Polaroid Zip Mobile Photo Printer: $100usd Fujifilm Instax Share SP-1 Instant Film Smartphone Printer: $120usd Fujifilm Instax Instant Smartphone Printer: $120usd Fujifilm instax SHARE Smartphone Printer SP-1: $150usd Fujifilm instax SHARE SP-2 Portable Color LED Photo Printer - Wireless: $200usd Fujifilm instax SHARE SP-1 Portable Color LED Photo Printer - Wireless: $180usd Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2
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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025
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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025
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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025
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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry pasaporte 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2015 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! 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Barranca-Lima (Lima)
Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry passport 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Sharp LC-60LE650 60-inch Aquos 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2
S/. 400
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Lima Callao (Lima Metropolitana)
Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 16GB:$300 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 32GB:$350 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 64GB:$360 Apple iPad Air LTE (wifi + 4G) 128GB:$370 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 16GB: $200 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 32GB: $230 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 64GB: $250 Apple Ipad 4 Retina (wifi + 4G) 128GB: $280 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 BlackBerry Porsche Design P9981:$450 BlackBerry Priv 32GB:$350 BlackBerry Classic: 280 BlackBerry passport 4G:350 Blackberry Z30:$280 Blackberry Q10:$250 Blackberry Z10:$200 Blackberry Q5:$150 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 LG G2 4G/LTE 32GB: $250 LG Nexus 5 4G/LTE 16GB:$300 Nokia Lumia 1020 :$250 Nokia Lumia 925 :$200 Nokia Lumia 920 :$180 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 Sony Xperia Z1 compact:$220 Sony Xperia Z C6833:$200 Sony Xperia ZQ :$180 HTC One (M9) 4G with 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 HTC One Android 801s :$200 HTC Butterfly S 901s :$200 HTC One Max 803s 4G :$180 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple iMac - 8 GB RAM - 3.2 GHz - 1 TB HDD :$400 Apple iMac MD096LL/A 27-Inch Desktop (NEWEST VERSION) :$450 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p.cost $700usd Samsung UN60ES8000 - 60" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Panasonic TH 55LRU50 - 55" Pro:Idiom LED-backlit LCD TV - 1080p....cost $700usd Sharp Aquos LC-60LE650U 60" LED HD TV 120Hz Smart TV..cost $500usd Sharp LC60LE857 60" 1080p LED TV...650 Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $800usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $900usd SONY Bravia KDL46EX640 46 LED Internet TV...cost $400usd LG 55LM9600 55 LED 3D Smart TV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos en el Año Nuevo de promoción: Compre 2 productos y obtener gratis 1 Producto !!! Email: CELL-WAVE-LTD@hotmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2
S/. 350
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