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Lima (Lima)
Nos encontramos buscando talento para cubrir el puesto de El puesto requiere conocimientos y experiencia en: -.Net con VB / C#, js, jquery, CSS - MS SQL, T. SQL Se valoran también conocimientos adicionales en: - ReactNative - SignalR - Cassandra - Librerías js frontend Fecha de contratación: 09/09/2020 Cantidad de vacantes: 2 Requerimientos Educación mínima: Técnico Años de experiencia: 1 Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="BairesDev está orgullosa de ser la compañía de más rápido crecimiento en América. Con personal en cinco continentes y clientes de talla mundial, somos tan fuertes como los equipos multiculturales en el corazón de nuestra empresa lo sean. Con el fin de entregar a nuestros clientes soluciones de la más alta calidad con consistencia, únicamente contratamos al 1% más destacado entre los mejores talentos y nutrimos su desarrollo profesional con proyectos desafiantes. Sobre la posición: Estamos buscando a los mejores talentos para la posición de Desarrollador Backend en Python para unirse al equipo de Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) de BairesDev. Nuestro equipo de I+D es una parte esencial de nuestras soluciones tecnológicas que generan millones de ingresos cada año, por lo que sólo contratamos a los mejores talentos de todo el mundo. Dentro del equipo encontrarás muchos retos diferentes: Análisis de datos, Machine Learning, Desktop y Desarrollo web son algunos de los más relevantes en este momento, pero para impulsar la innovación, te darás cuenta de que algo nuevo se presenta cada día. El área de I+D es sin duda la más interesante y desafiante de toda la empresa, y aunque BairesDev está conformada por gente realmente talentosa en general, aquí encontrarás profesionales con amplia experiencia y del más alto nivel intelectual y creativo. ¿Estás listo para sumarte a nuestro equipo? Actividades principales: - Crear sistemas y herramientas de automatización para configurar, supervisar y articular la infraestructura y los canales de datos. - Crear servicios de integración de datos para ayudar a incorporar nuevos clientes lo más rápido posible. - Mantener en todo momento la fiabilidad, desempeño y soporte de la infraestructura de datos, proporcionando soluciones basadas en las necesidades de las aplicaciones y el crecimiento estimado. ¿Qué Buscamos?: - 3+ años de experiencia práctica en desarrollo con Python y Django. - Experiencia en desarrollo con progración orientada a objetos (deseable). - 3 años en desarrollo con otros lenguajes de programación. - Sólidas habilidades con XML y bases de datos relacionales (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Sólida experiencia profesional trabajando con grandes estructuras de datos (incluyendo XML) y algoritmos. - Nivel de Inglés avanzado. ¿Qué Ofrecemos?: - Trabajo 100% remoto. - Equipo de hardware para trabajar desde casa. - Horarios flexibles: crea tu propio horario. - Licencia parental, vacaciones y feriados remunerados. - Ambiente laboral diverso y multicultural. - Ambiente innovador, con la estructura y recursos de una importante multinacional. - Excelente remuneración, bastante por encima del promedio en el mercado. - Aquí puedes crecer al ritmo de tu curva de aprendizaje. Nuestros empleados trabajan remotamente, pero lo hacen dentro de una cultura confiable y sólida que promueve diversidad y trabajo en equipo. Para continuar siendo la compañía de desarrollo de software líder en Latinoamérica, queremos asegurarnos de que cada miembro de BairesDev consiga las mejores oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo profesional en un ambiente diverso, acogedor e innovador. Todo miembro del equipo de BairesDev aporta algo único a nuestra compañía. Queremos escuchar tu historia. ¡Aplica ahora!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, SQL Server, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Palabras clave: developer, programador, developers, research, home, casa, remote, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="BairesDev está orgullosa de ser la compañía de más rápido crecimiento en América. Con personal en cinco continentes y clientes de talla mundial, somos tan fuertes como los equipos multiculturales en el corazón de nuestra empresa lo sean. Con el fin de entregar a nuestros clientes soluciones de la más alta calidad con consistencia, únicamente contratamos al 1% más destacado entre los mejores talentos y nutrimos su desarrollo profesional con proyectos desafiantes. Sobre la posición: Estamos buscando a los mejores talentos para la posición de Desarrollador Backend en Python para unirse al equipo de Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) de BairesDev. Nuestro equipo de I+D es una parte esencial de nuestras soluciones tecnológicas que generan millones de ingresos cada año, por lo que sólo contratamos a los mejores talentos de todo el mundo. Dentro del equipo encontrarás muchos retos diferentes: Análisis de datos, Machine Learning, Desktop y Desarrollo web son algunos de los más relevantes en este momento, pero para impulsar la innovación, te darás cuenta de que algo nuevo se presenta cada día. El área de I+D es sin duda la más interesante y desafiante de toda la empresa, y aunque BairesDev está conformada por gente realmente talentosa en general, aquí encontrarás profesionales con amplia experiencia y del más alto nivel intelectual y creativo. ¿Estás listo para sumarte a nuestro equipo? Actividades principales: - Crear sistemas y herramientas de automatización para configurar, supervisar y articular la infraestructura y los canales de datos. - Crear servicios de integración de datos para ayudar a incorporar nuevos clientes lo más rápido posible. - Mantener en todo momento la fiabilidad, desempeño y soporte de la infraestructura de datos, proporcionando soluciones basadas en las necesidades de las aplicaciones y el crecimiento estimado. ¿Qué Buscamos?: - 3+ años de experiencia práctica en desarrollo con Python y Django. - Experiencia en desarrollo con progración orientada a objetos (deseable). - 3 años en desarrollo con otros lenguajes de programación. - Sólidas habilidades con XML y bases de datos relacionales (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Sólida experiencia profesional trabajando con grandes estructuras de datos (incluyendo XML) y algoritmos. - Nivel de Inglés avanzado. ¿Qué Ofrecemos?: - Trabajo 100% remoto. - Equipo de hardware para trabajar desde casa. - Horarios flexibles: crea tu propio horario. - Licencia parental, vacaciones y feriados remunerados. - Ambiente laboral diverso y multicultural. - Ambiente innovador, con la estructura y recursos de una importante multinacional. - Excelente remuneración, bastante por encima del promedio en el mercado. - Aquí puedes crecer al ritmo de tu curva de aprendizaje. Nuestros empleados trabajan remotamente, pero lo hacen dentro de una cultura confiable y sólida que promueve diversidad y trabajo en equipo. Para continuar siendo la compañía de desarrollo de software líder en Latinoamérica, queremos asegurarnos de que cada miembro de BairesDev consiga las mejores oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo profesional en un ambiente diverso, acogedor e innovador. Todo miembro del equipo de BairesDev aporta algo único a nuestra compañía. Queremos escuchar tu historia. ¡Aplica ahora!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, SQL Server, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Palabras clave: developer, programador, developers, research, home, casa, remote, teletrabajo
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Lima (Lima)
BairesDev es la empresa líder de desarrollo de software de América. Con más de 1300 empleados trabajando en proyectos alrededor del mundo, un crecimiento anual sostenido de más del 50%, y reconocida por Inc. en el Top 10 de empresas privadas de mayor crecimiento de Silicon Valley, BairesDev se ha posicionado como referente en la industria del software, impulsando la transformación digital de algunas de las empresas más importantes en el mundo, como Google, Rolls-Royce, Pinterest, EY, SiriusXM, Motorola, ViacomCBS y Chime. Reconocida por Clutch co como una Compañía Top de Servicios Tecnológicos B2B, BairesDev cuenta con oficinas en Estados Unidos, Canadá, Europa y América Latina y ofrece un entorno de trabajo excepcional donde sus empleados pueden destacarse como profesionales, desarrollándose en equipos multiculturales con horarios flexibles y múltiples oportunidades de crecimiento. BairesDev tiene como misión ofrecer servicios personalizados de desarrollo de software reconocidos por su excelencia a nivel mundial. La empresa contrata únicamente al Top 1% del Talento del mercado con el objetivo de crear equipos sólidos que ofrezcan soluciones tecnológicas de principio a fin. Prepárate para trabajar en escenarios dinámicos con líderes en la industria y en proyectos altamente innovadores! Buscamos Líderes Técnicos Python para sumarse al equipo de Desarrollo y participar en distintos proyectos conformados por equipos multiculturales distribuidos en todo el mundo. Buscamos personas proactivas, dinámicas y team players, con gran capacidad de organización, acostumbradas a manejar múltiples tareas y con marcada atención al detalle. Se trata de una excelente oportunidad para aquellos profesionales que busquen desarrollarse en una de las empresas con mayor crecimiento de la industria! Estos desarrolladores enfrentarán numerosos desafíos técnicos, por lo cual deberán utilizar tecnologías actuales, involucrarse en el mundo mobile, de aplicaciones web, dispositivos, etc. Principales responsabilidades: - Trabajar en estrecha colaboración con sus partes interesadas en ingeniería y negocios para apoyar la entrega del proyecto. - Poder administrar su tiempo de manera efectiva para enfocarse en la codificación, así como en apoyar a los miembros junior. - Integrarse al equipo de DevOps para mantener las tareas. - Tomar decisiones arquitectónicas teniendo en cuenta el futuro de un negocio en crecimiento. ¿Qué Buscamos? - 7+ años de experiencia práctica en desarrollo de Python y Django. - Experiencia deseable en el desarrollo con programación orientada a objetos. - 3 años de desarrollo utilizando otros lenguajes de programación. - Buenas habilidades con XML y bases de datos relacionales (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experiencia con OOD. - Fuerte experiencia profesional trabajando con grandes estructuras de datos (incluyendo XML) y algoritmos. - Estudios en sistemas es un plus. ¿Qué Ofrecemos? - Excelente plan de compensación, muy por encima de la media del mercado. - Posibilidad de trabajo remoto y con horarios flexibles. - Planes de capacitación. - Amplias posibilidades de crecimiento y desarrollo profesional gracias a nuestro sistema de mentorship. Si está interesado en formar parte de un equipo compuesto por los mejores profesionales y trabajar 100% orientado a objetivos en un entorno innovador, pero con la estructura y los recursos de un líder de mercado multinacional, ¡no dude en postularse! Cantidad de vacantes: 1 Requerimientos Educación mínima: Técnico Años de experiencia: 7 Idiomas: Inglés Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No
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Puno (Puno)
Somos Caja Los Andes, banca de inclusión social con productos orientados a la población rural, te invitamos a formar parte de nuestra Familia en la posición: Analista de Soporte Técnico Requisitos: • Bachiller o Titulado Universitario de Ing. De Sistemas, Ing. Informática o afines. • Experiencia de 1 año en el cargo o 2 años en el desarrollo de sistemas o aplicaciones en instituciones privadas o públicas, de preferencia en el Sistema Financiero. • Conocimiento de lenguajes de programación y hardware. • Conocimiento de análisis y diseño de Sistemas • Conocimiento de redes informáticas estructuradas, y mantenimiento de equipos. • Conocimiento de base de datos MS SQL 2000, 2008 y otros de última generación • Conocimiento en el manejo de soporte técnico a los equipos informáticos • Manejo de software de computación aplicable a sus labores. • Disponibilidad inmediata. • Ingresa, registra tus datos y postúlate en: Responsabilidades: • Responsable de asegurar el buen funcionamiento y el óptimo rendimiento de los componentes y/o equipos informáticos de usuario y de aplicaciones de software. • Desarrollar las actividades de soporte a los usuarios, para el uso correcto de los equipos asignados. • Instalar, configurar y poner en operación los equipos informáticos a nivel de hardware y software (PCs, impresoras, escáner, etc.) • Configurar cuentas de usuario de dominio y cuentas de correo electrónico en los terminales de usuarios. • Atender consultas y/o requerimientos de atención que soliciten los usuarios. • Efectuar el mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de los equipos de cómputo. • Atender las peticiones generadas en la mesa de ayuda de soporte en base a los estándares de Calidad de Servicio. • Cumplir otras funciones asignadas por su jefe inmediato. Te ofrecemos: • Formar parte de una entidad financiera que promueve el desarrollo de la población rural. • Ingreso a planilla desde el primer día, pagos puntuales y todos los beneficios de ley • Capacitaciones constantes y línea de carrera. • Seguro de Vida Ley. • Agradable ambiente laboral. ¡Únete a nuestra gran familia! Si estas interesado (a) por favor visita nuestra página web, revisa nuestras convocatorias y llena tus datos en "trabaja con nosotros" para postular. Somos una organización socialmente responsable que no consiente actos de discriminación en sus procesos. Esta oferta laboral es apta para personas con discapacidad. Se informa al postulante que afirma su consentimiento y autorización del uso de sus datos personales expuestos en su CV, dentro del marco de la Ley de Protección de Datos Personales N°29733, para fines únicamente de postulación con la organización, este registro se deriva al área de Talento Humano y se conservara durante un plazo máximo de 6 meses, posterior al proceso de selección. Fecha de contratación: 03/02/2021 Cantidad de vacantes: 1 Requerimientos Educación mínima: Universitario Años de experiencia: 1 Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Engineer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Engineers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Create automation systems and tools to configure, monitor, and orchestrate data infrastructure and pipelines. - Create data integration services to help onboard new customers as quickly as possible. - Maintain ongoing reliability, performance, and support of the data infrastructure, providing solutions based on application needs and anticipated growth. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: ingeniero, engineers, ingeniera, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="BairesDev está orgullosa de ser la compañía de más rápido crecimiento en América. Con personal en cinco continentes y clientes de talla mundial, somos tan fuertes como los equipos multiculturales en el corazón de nuestra empresa lo sean. Con el fin de entregar a nuestros clientes soluciones de la más alta calidad con consistencia, únicamente contratamos al 1% más destacado entre los mejores talentos y nutrimos su desarrollo profesional con proyectos desafiantes. Sobre la posición: Estamos buscando a los mejores talentos para la posición de Desarrollador Backend en Python para unirse al equipo de Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) de BairesDev. Nuestro equipo de I+D es una parte esencial de nuestras soluciones tecnológicas que generan millones de ingresos cada año, por lo que sólo contratamos a los mejores talentos de todo el mundo. Dentro del equipo encontrarás muchos retos diferentes: Análisis de datos, Machine Learning, Desktop y Desarrollo web son algunos de los más relevantes en este momento, pero para impulsar la innovación, te darás cuenta de que algo nuevo se presenta cada día. El área de I+D es sin duda la más interesante y desafiante de toda la empresa, y aunque BairesDev está conformada por gente realmente talentosa en general, aquí encontrarás profesionales con amplia experiencia y del más alto nivel intelectual y creativo. ¿Estás listo para sumarte a nuestro equipo? Actividades principales: - Crear sistemas y herramientas de automatización para configurar, supervisar y articular la infraestructura y los canales de datos. - Crear servicios de integración de datos para ayudar a incorporar nuevos clientes lo más rápido posible. - Mantener en todo momento la fiabilidad, desempeño y soporte de la infraestructura de datos, proporcionando soluciones basadas en las necesidades de las aplicaciones y el crecimiento estimado. ¿Qué Buscamos?: - 3+ años de experiencia práctica en desarrollo con Python y Django. - Experiencia en desarrollo con progración orientada a objetos (deseable). - 3 años en desarrollo con otros lenguajes de programación. - Sólidas habilidades con XML y bases de datos relacionales (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Sólida experiencia profesional trabajando con grandes estructuras de datos (incluyendo XML) y algoritmos. - Nivel de Inglés avanzado. ¿Qué Ofrecemos?: - Trabajo 100% remoto. - Equipo de hardware para trabajar desde casa. - Horarios flexibles: crea tu propio horario. - Licencia parental, vacaciones y feriados remunerados. - Ambiente laboral diverso y multicultural. - Ambiente innovador, con la estructura y recursos de una importante multinacional. - Excelente remuneración, bastante por encima del promedio en el mercado. - Aquí puedes crecer al ritmo de tu curva de aprendizaje. Nuestros empleados trabajan remotamente, pero lo hacen dentro de una cultura confiable y sólida que promueve diversidad y trabajo en equipo. Para continuar siendo la compañía de desarrollo de software líder en Latinoamérica, queremos asegurarnos de que cada miembro de BairesDev consiga las mejores oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo profesional en un ambiente diverso, acogedor e innovador. Todo miembro del equipo de BairesDev aporta algo único a nuestra compañía. Queremos escuchar tu historia. ¡Aplica ahora!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: developer, programador, developers, research, home, casa, remote
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Junior Python Backend Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Junior Python Backend Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Integrate with the DevOps team to execute tasks. Here’s what we are looking for: - 1+ year of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 1 year of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: jr, desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Junior Python Backend Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Junior Python Backend Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Integrate with the DevOps team to execute tasks. Here’s what we are looking for: - 1+ year of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 1 year of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: jr, desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto
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Callao (Callao)
content="BairesDev está orgullosa de ser la compañía de más rápido crecimiento en América. Con personal en cinco continentes y clientes de talla mundial, somos tan fuertes como los equipos multiculturales en el corazón de nuestra empresa lo sean. Con el fin de entregar a nuestros clientes soluciones de la más alta calidad con consistencia, únicamente contratamos al 1% más destacado entre los mejores talentos y nutrimos su desarrollo profesional con proyectos desafiantes. Sobre la posición: Estamos buscando a los mejores talentos para la posición de Desarrollador Backend en Python para unirse al equipo de Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) de BairesDev. Nuestro equipo de I+D es una parte esencial de nuestras soluciones tecnológicas que generan millones de ingresos cada año, por lo que sólo contratamos a los mejores talentos de todo el mundo. Dentro del equipo encontrarás muchos retos diferentes: Análisis de datos, Machine Learning, Desktop y Desarrollo web son algunos de los más relevantes en este momento, pero para impulsar la innovación, te darás cuenta de que algo nuevo se presenta cada día. El área de I+D es sin duda la más interesante y desafiante de toda la empresa, y aunque BairesDev está conformada por gente realmente talentosa en general, aquí encontrarás profesionales con amplia experiencia y del más alto nivel intelectual y creativo. ¿Estás listo para sumarte a nuestro equipo? Actividades principales: - Crear sistemas y herramientas de automatización para configurar, supervisar y articular la infraestructura y los canales de datos. - Crear servicios de integración de datos para ayudar a incorporar nuevos clientes lo más rápido posible. - Mantener en todo momento la fiabilidad, desempeño y soporte de la infraestructura de datos, proporcionando soluciones basadas en las necesidades de las aplicaciones y el crecimiento estimado. ¿Qué Buscamos?: - 3+ años de experiencia práctica en desarrollo con Python y Django. - Experiencia en desarrollo con progración orientada a objetos (deseable). - 3 años en desarrollo con otros lenguajes de programación. - Sólidas habilidades con XML y bases de datos relacionales (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Sólida experiencia profesional trabajando con grandes estructuras de datos (incluyendo XML) y algoritmos. - Nivel de Inglés avanzado. ¿Qué Ofrecemos?: - Trabajo 100% remoto. - Equipo de hardware para trabajar desde casa. - Horarios flexibles: crea tu propio horario. - Licencia parental, vacaciones y feriados remunerados. - Ambiente laboral diverso y multicultural. - Ambiente innovador, con la estructura y recursos de una importante multinacional. - Excelente remuneración, bastante por encima del promedio en el mercado. - Aquí puedes crecer al ritmo de tu curva de aprendizaje. Nuestros empleados trabajan remotamente, pero lo hacen dentro de una cultura confiable y sólida que promueve diversidad y trabajo en equipo. Para continuar siendo la compañía de desarrollo de software líder en Latinoamérica, queremos asegurarnos de que cada miembro de BairesDev consiga las mejores oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo profesional en un ambiente diverso, acogedor e innovador. Todo miembro del equipo de BairesDev aporta algo único a nuestra compañía. Queremos escuchar tu historia. ¡Aplica ahora!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: developer, programador, developers, research, home, casa, remote
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Engineer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Engineers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Create automation systems and tools to configure, monitor, and orchestrate data infrastructure and pipelines. - Create data integration services to help onboard new customers as quickly as possible. - Maintain ongoing reliability, performance, and support of the data infrastructure, providing solutions based on application needs and anticipated growth. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Magister o Postgrado 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: ingeniero, engineers, ingeniera, home, casa, remoto
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Engineer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Engineers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Create automation systems and tools to configure, monitor, and orchestrate data infrastructure and pipelines. - Create data integration services to help onboard new customers as quickly as possible. - Maintain ongoing reliability, performance, and support of the data infrastructure, providing solutions based on application needs and anticipated growth. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: ingeniero, engineers, ingeniera, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Junior Python Backend Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Junior Python Backend Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Integrate with the DevOps team to execute tasks. Here’s what we are looking for: - 1+ year of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 1 year of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: jr, desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Junior Python Backend Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Junior Python Backend Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Integrate with the DevOps team to execute tasks. Here’s what we are looking for: - 1+ year of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 1 year of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: jr, desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Engineer / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Engineers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Create automation systems and tools to configure, monitor, and orchestrate data infrastructure and pipelines. - Create data integration services to help onboard new customers as quickly as possible. - Maintain ongoing reliability, performance, and support of the data infrastructure, providing solutions based on application needs and anticipated growth. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: ingeniero, engineers, ingeniera, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people in five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Create automation systems and tools to configure, monitor, and orchestrate data infrastructure and pipelines. - Create data integration services to help onboard new customers as quickly as possible. - Maintain ongoing reliability, performance, and support of the data infrastructure, providing solutions based on application needs and anticipated growth. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Junior Python Backend Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Junior Python Backend Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Integrate with the DevOps team to execute tasks. Here’s what we are looking for: - 1+ year of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 1 year of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: jr, desarrollador, programador, developers, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Lima (Lima)
content="BairesDev está orgullosa de ser la compañía de más rápido crecimiento en América. Con personal en cinco continentes y clientes de talla mundial, somos tan fuertes como los equipos multiculturales en el corazón de nuestra empresa lo sean. Con el fin de entregar a nuestros clientes soluciones de la más alta calidad con consistencia, únicamente contratamos al 1% más destacado entre los mejores talentos y nutrimos su desarrollo profesional con proyectos desafiantes. Sobre la posición: Estamos buscando a los mejores talentos para la posición de Desarrollador Backend en Python para unirse al equipo de Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) de BairesDev. Nuestro equipo de I+D es una parte esencial de nuestras soluciones tecnológicas que generan millones de ingresos cada año, por lo que sólo contratamos a los mejores talentos de todo el mundo. Dentro del equipo encontrarás muchos retos diferentes: Análisis de datos, Machine Learning, Desktop y Desarrollo web son algunos de los más relevantes en este momento, pero para impulsar la innovación, te darás cuenta de que algo nuevo se presenta cada día. El área de I+D es sin duda la más interesante y desafiante de toda la empresa, y aunque BairesDev está conformada por gente realmente talentosa en general, aquí encontrarás profesionales con amplia experiencia y del más alto nivel intelectual y creativo. ¿Estás listo para sumarte a nuestro equipo? Actividades principales: - Crear sistemas y herramientas de automatización para configurar, supervisar y articular la infraestructura y los canales de datos. - Crear servicios de integración de datos para ayudar a incorporar nuevos clientes lo más rápido posible. - Mantener en todo momento la fiabilidad, desempeño y soporte de la infraestructura de datos, proporcionando soluciones basadas en las necesidades de las aplicaciones y el crecimiento estimado. ¿Qué Buscamos?: - 3+ años de experiencia práctica en desarrollo con Python y Django. - Experiencia en desarrollo con progración orientada a objetos (deseable). - 3 años en desarrollo con otros lenguajes de programación. - Sólidas habilidades con XML y bases de datos relacionales (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Sólida experiencia profesional trabajando con grandes estructuras de datos (incluyendo XML) y algoritmos. - Nivel de Inglés avanzado. ¿Qué Ofrecemos?: - Trabajo 100% remoto. - Equipo de hardware para trabajar desde casa. - Horarios flexibles: crea tu propio horario. - Licencia parental, vacaciones y feriados remunerados. - Ambiente laboral diverso y multicultural. - Ambiente innovador, con la estructura y recursos de una importante multinacional. - Excelente remuneración, bastante por encima del promedio en el mercado. - Aquí puedes crecer al ritmo de tu curva de aprendizaje. Nuestros empleados trabajan remotamente, pero lo hacen dentro de una cultura confiable y sólida que promueve diversidad y trabajo en equipo. Para continuar siendo la compañía de desarrollo de software líder en Latinoamérica, queremos asegurarnos de que cada miembro de BairesDev consiga las mejores oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo profesional en un ambiente diverso, acogedor e innovador. Todo miembro del equipo de BairesDev aporta algo único a nuestra compañía. Queremos escuchar tu historia. ¡Aplica ahora!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: developer, programador, developers, research, home, casa, remote, teletrabajo
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Lima (Lima)
content="BairesDev está orgullosa de ser la compañía de más rápido crecimiento en América. Con personal en cinco continentes y clientes de talla mundial, somos tan fuertes como los equipos multiculturales en el corazón de nuestra empresa lo sean. Con el fin de entregar a nuestros clientes soluciones de la más alta calidad con consistencia, únicamente contratamos al 1% más destacado entre los mejores talentos y nutrimos su desarrollo profesional con proyectos desafiantes. Sobre la posición: Estamos buscando a los mejores talentos para la posición de Ingeniero Backend en Python para unirse al equipo de Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) de BairesDev. Nuestro equipo de I+D es una parte esencial de nuestras soluciones tecnológicas que generan millones de ingresos cada año, por lo que sólo contratamos a los mejores talentos de todo el mundo. Dentro del equipo encontrarás muchos retos diferentes: Análisis de datos, Machine Learning, Desktop y Desarrollo web son algunos de los más relevantes en este momento, pero para impulsar la innovación, te darás cuenta de que algo nuevo se presenta cada día. El área de I+D es sin duda la más interesante y desafiante de toda la empresa, y aunque BairesDev está conformada por gente realmente talentosa en general, aquí encontrarás profesionales con amplia experiencia y del más alto nivel intelectual y creativo. ¿Estás listo para sumarte a nuestro equipo? Actividades principales: - Crear sistemas y herramientas de automatización para configurar, supervisar y articular la infraestructura y los canales de datos. - Crear servicios de integración de datos para ayudar a incorporar nuevos clientes lo más rápido posible. - Mantener en todo momento la fiabilidad, desempeño y soporte de la infraestructura de datos, proporcionando soluciones basadas en las necesidades de las aplicaciones y el crecimiento estimado. ¿Qué Buscamos?: - 4+ años de experiencia práctica en desarrollo con Python y Django. - Experiencia en desarrollo con progración orientada a objetos (deseable). - 3 años en desarrollo con otros lenguajes de programación. - Sólidas habilidades con XML y bases de datos relacionales (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Sólida experiencia profesional trabajando con grandes estructuras de datos (incluyendo XML) y algoritmos. - Nivel de Inglés avanzado. ¿Qué Ofrecemos?: - Trabajo 100% remoto. - Equipo de hardware para trabajar desde casa. - Horarios flexibles: crea tu propio horario. - Licencia parental, vacaciones y feriados remunerados. - Ambiente laboral diverso y multicultural. - Ambiente innovador, con la estructura y recursos de una importante multinacional. - Excelente remuneración, bastante por encima del promedio en el mercado. - Aquí puedes crecer al ritmo de tu curva de aprendizaje. Nuestros empleados trabajan remotamente, pero lo hacen dentro de una cultura confiable y sólida que promueve diversidad y trabajo en equipo. Para continuar siendo la compañía de desarrollo de software líder en Latinoamérica, queremos asegurarnos de que cada miembro de BairesDev consiga las mejores oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo profesional en un ambiente diverso, acogedor e innovador. Todo miembro del equipo de BairesDev aporta algo único a nuestra compañía. Queremos escuchar tu historia. ¡Aplica ahora!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: engineer, engineers, ingeniera, research, home, casa, remote, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Tech Lead / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: technologist, tecnologo, tecnico, technician, technology, tecnologia, gerente, manager, director, jefe, chief, jefatura, regente, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Backend Tech Lead / R + D at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Backend Tech Leads to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Be able to manage your time effectively to focus on coding as well as supporting junior members. (You do not need to be a superhero, but is crucial to handle both sides). - Integrate with the DevOps team to maintain tasks. - Make architectural decisions keeping the future of a growing business in mind. Here’s what we are looking for: - 7+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Experience with OOD. - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - A University Degree in systems is a plus. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 7 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Junior Python Backend Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Junior Python Backend Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is the essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Work closely alongside their Engineering and Business Stakeholders to support the delivery of the project. - Integrate with the DevOps team to execute tasks. Here’s what we are looking for: - 1+ year of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 1 year of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="BairesDev está orgullosa de ser la compañía de más rápido crecimiento en América. Con personal en cinco continentes y clientes de talla mundial, somos tan fuertes como los equipos multiculturales en el corazón de nuestra empresa lo sean. Con el fin de entregar a nuestros clientes soluciones de la más alta calidad con consistencia, únicamente contratamos al 1% más destacado entre los mejores talentos y nutrimos su desarrollo profesional con proyectos desafiantes. Sobre la posición: Estamos buscando a los mejores talentos para la posición de Desarrollador Backend en Python para unirse al equipo de Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D) de BairesDev. Nuestro equipo de I+D es una parte esencial de nuestras soluciones tecnológicas que generan millones de ingresos cada año, por lo que sólo contratamos a los mejores talentos de todo el mundo. Dentro del equipo encontrarás muchos retos diferentes: Análisis de datos, Machine Learning, Desktop y Desarrollo web son algunos de los más relevantes en este momento, pero para impulsar la innovación, te darás cuenta de que algo nuevo se presenta cada día. El área de I+D es sin duda la más interesante y desafiante de toda la empresa, y aunque BairesDev está conformada por gente realmente talentosa en general, aquí encontrarás profesionales con amplia experiencia y del más alto nivel intelectual y creativo. ¿Estás listo para sumarte a nuestro equipo? Actividades principales: - Crear sistemas y herramientas de automatización para configurar, supervisar y articular la infraestructura y los canales de datos. - Crear servicios de integración de datos para ayudar a incorporar nuevos clientes lo más rápido posible. - Mantener en todo momento la fiabilidad, desempeño y soporte de la infraestructura de datos, proporcionando soluciones basadas en las necesidades de las aplicaciones y el crecimiento estimado. ¿Qué Buscamos?: - 3+ años de experiencia práctica en desarrollo con Python y Django. - Experiencia en desarrollo con progración orientada a objetos (deseable). - 3 años en desarrollo con otros lenguajes de programación. - Sólidas habilidades con XML y bases de datos relacionales (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Sólida experiencia profesional trabajando con grandes estructuras de datos (incluyendo XML) y algoritmos. - Nivel de Inglés avanzado. ¿Qué Ofrecemos?: - Trabajo 100% remoto. - Equipo de hardware para trabajar desde casa. - Horarios flexibles: crea tu propio horario. - Licencia parental, vacaciones y feriados remunerados. - Ambiente laboral diverso y multicultural. - Ambiente innovador, con la estructura y recursos de una importante multinacional. - Excelente remuneración, bastante por encima del promedio en el mercado. - Aquí puedes crecer al ritmo de tu curva de aprendizaje. Nuestros empleados trabajan remotamente, pero lo hacen dentro de una cultura confiable y sólida que promueve diversidad y trabajo en equipo. Para continuar siendo la compañía de desarrollo de software líder en Latinoamérica, queremos asegurarnos de que cada miembro de BairesDev consiga las mejores oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo profesional en un ambiente diverso, acogedor e innovador. Todo miembro del equipo de BairesDev aporta algo único a nuestra compañía. Queremos escuchar tu historia. ¡Aplica ahora!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No
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Arequipa (Arequipa)
content="Who we are BairesDev is proud to be the fastest-growing company in America. With people on five continents and world-class clients, we are only as strong as the multicultural teams at the heart of our business. To consistently deliver the highest quality solutions to our clients, we only hire the Top 1% of the best talents and nurture their professional growth on exciting projects. Python Developer / Research + Development at BairesDev We are looking for outstanding Python Developers to join BairesDev Research & Development Team (R&D). Our R&D team is an essential part of our technology solutions that drive millions in revenue every year, so we only hire the best of the best. Within the team you’ll find many different challenges: Data analysis, Machine Learning, Desktop, and web developments are some of the most relevant right now, but in order to drive innovation, you’ll notice that new things are coming up every day! The R&D area is undoubtedly the most interesting and challenging area of the entire company, and although BairesDev is conformed by really talented people in general, here you will find professionals with extensive experience and also intellectual and creative level, far above average. We want people to enjoy the trip. Are you ready? What You’ll do: - Create automation systems and tools to configure, monitor, and orchestrate data infrastructure and pipelines. - Create data integration services to help onboard new customers as quickly as possible. - Maintain ongoing reliability, performance, and support of the data infrastructure, providing solutions based on application needs and anticipated growth. Here’s what we are looking for: - 4+ years of practical experience in Python and Django development. - Experience in development with object-oriented programming is desirable. - 3 years of development using other programming languages. - Good skills with XML and relational databases (Oracle / MS SQL / MySQL). - Strong professional experience working with large data structures (including XML) and algorithms. - Advanced English level. How we do make your work (and your life) easier: - 100% remote work. - Hardware setup for you to work from home. - Flexible hours - make your schedule. - Paid parental leave, vacation & holidays. - Diverse and multicultural work environment. - An innovative environment with the structure and resources of a leading multinational. - Excellent compensation — well above the market average. - Here you can grow at the speed of your learning curve. Our people work remotely but with a consistent and robust culture that promotes diversity and teamwork. To continue being the leading software development company in Latin America, we want to ensure that every BairesDev member gets the best growth and professional development opportunities in a diverse, welcoming, and innovative environment. Every BairesDev team member brings something unique to our company. We want to hear your story. Apply now!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 4 años de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Conocimientos: Oracle, Python, Tecnología de la información, Django, Lean, Agile, MySql Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Palabras clave: desarrollador, programador, investigacion, home, casa, remoto, teletrabajo
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Callao (Callao)
content="Somos M&M IMPORTACIONES SAC, Empresa Importadora – Distribuidora de calzado con presencia de Tiendas a nivel nacional. Nos encontramos en la búsqueda de los mejores talentos. OBJETIVO DEL PUESTO Analizar datos utilizados por la empresa que se usan para dar soporte a la toma de decisiones y Analizar el comportamiento del mercado y tendencias de este. FUNCIONES: -Análisis de Stock en tienda, asegurar cobertura para garantizar operatividad de tienda. -Realizar la distribución de las cuotas diarias de cada tienda y seguimiento de las ventas para el alcance de objetivos, consolidar la información de ventas y Kpis para la elaboración del consolidado de Bonos y comisiones. -Monitoreo diario, semanal y mensual de las ventas e indicadores comerciales, gmroi, ebitda, TX, TP, tasa de conversión. -Manejo de RMS para carga de ofertas y promociones, realizar el análisis de la base de datos y comportamiento de la compra histórica. -Reportes de Gestión (Evolución de Ventas, Ranking de CC, Tasa de conversión). REQUISITOS: - Egresados de Administración, Negocios, Marketing y/o carreras técnicas afines. (Estudiantes de 9vo u 10mo ciclo) - 1 año de experiencia en el desempeño de las funciones, de preferencia en rubro retail. - Indispensable: Ms. Excel a nivel Intermedio-Avanzado, SQL, Power BI. - Disponibilidad para laborar de manera presencial en el Callao de lunes a viernes de 8:00am a 5:45pm y sábado (rotativo) de 8:00am a 12:30pm. Ingreso a Planilla con todos los beneficios de ley ¡Postula y únete a Nosotros!. -Requerimientos- Educación mínima: Universitario 1 año de experiencia Idiomas: Inglés Edad: entre 22 y 32 años Disponibilidad de viajar: No Disponibilidad de cambio de residencia: No Personas con discapacidad: Sí Palabras clave: analyst, salesperson, salesman, saleswoman, seller, vendedor, jr, mercadotecnia
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